Saturday, November 21, 2020


North Lincolnshire Council has now granted planning permission for a food-related bar in Brigg.
However, it's NOT the new licensed premises earmarked for the former HSBC bank which has been given the green light; that application is still under consideration.
Our local planning authority has now given approval "to erect a BBQ/bar structure" in the garden of a domestic property - 21 Bramble Way, near the Newlands estate.
A North Lincolnshire Council assessment report said: "The proposal, which is retrospective, comprises a free-standing wooden outbuilding with pitched roof. It measures 2.45m by 2m and at a height of 2.65m from the ground to the ridge.
"The main issues to consider are whether the design and location of the BBQ/bar structure is appropriate and acceptable in the context of the site and the character of the locality and whether the use of the BBQ/bar structure and BBQ has a detrimental impact on neighbouring amenities.
"The size of the BBQ/bar structure is considered small and proportionate to the size and scale of the main house. Whilst the BBQ/bar structure would be visible from the rear gardens of the adjacent property, in particular the roof structure, this is not considered to be unduly prominent such as to warrant an objection on visual amenity grounds."
In respect of impact on neighbours, the report added: "No objection to the proposal has been received on the grounds of smoke and smells emitting from the BBQ when in use."
The assessment therefore recommended the granting of planning permission.
Brigg Town Council had informed planners that it neither supported nor objected to the application but did have concerns that the structure may restrict light to the neighbouring property.