Wrestling is returning for Brigg fans of the sport to enjoy on Saturday.
Bouts at the old Corn Exchange proved popular until the council powers-that-be decided to knock the place down.
Famous names even appeared on the bill like Giant Haystacks and Pat Roach, also an actor who appeared regularly on TV and in one or two of the James Bond films.
So if you fancy doing something different this Saturday, rather than watching more dreary wannabe pop stars making Simon Cowell grimace, pop along to Ancholme Leisure Centre. Doors open 7pm, wrestling begins 7.30pm.
Added interest will be created by Italian women’s champion, Maya
(pictured), who will be making her RDW debut. The huge 6ft 3in Italian will compete in an inter-gender match in which she will team with the self-proclaimed richest man in professional wrestling, Prince Mohmed Ameen, and face two of RDW’s most popular stars and one half of the current RDW Tag Team champions, Martin Kirby and Bubbles.
RDW (Real Deal Wrestling) began promoting wrestling across Lincolnshire and now goes further afield, with events in private halls, council buildings and sports halls across Yorkshire and Lincolnshire as well as touring holiday parks nationwide. They also have links abroad.
Four years ago, promoter Steve Cartwright and his wife Joy decided to make wrestling their full-time job as it was something they have a real passion for.
They do everything from designing posters and local advertising to handing out flyers and the actual event set up.
Steve said: “Since finishing our real jobs we have opened up a training facility in Grimsby and again expanded the promotion and made contacts with wrestling promotions in Europe, Asia and America with whom we regularly trade talent.
“This is also a great way for our new trainees and wrestlers to venture abroad, wrestling and gaining experience and training from some of the best training schools and wrestlers in the world.
“Earlier this year we promoted an event at the Ancholme Leisure Centre, which was attended by around 250 people and with a great amount of feedback we decided to return to the venue on September 27.
“We have a great line-up of talent for this event ranging from home grown, local wrestlers, top UK-based workers including one half of the British tag team champions, Martin Kirby and the current traditional British champion Mick Romeo.
“In addition to the UK-based, we also have wrestlers set to appear on the event, from Ireland, Italy, Mexico and even India in a whole range of match-ups including singles, tag team, eight-man tag team, women’s matches and a huge tables match.
Steve added: “The tables match was announced on our last event in Brigg when Deano Linski managed to slam the 400lb-plus Havok and fans seem to be very excited about seeing our return.”
Tickets are on sale now from the venue or by calling the RDW ticket hotline (01472) 505663 and 07771 618288 (after hours). Or visit the website
There's also a great chance to win a memorable VIP trip to the event.The Grimsby and Scunthorpe Telegraphs have ‘tag teamed’ up with Real Deal Promotions to bring readers a fantastic competition.
First Prize includes:
* Free admission to the show for four people, with free goodie bags including T-shirts and posters
* A chauffeur-driven limousine to and from the event
* Backstage passes to meet the wrestlers and get autographs.
In addition, there is also a runner-up prize of a pair of tickets to the event.
For full details of how to enter see tomorrow's colour What's On Scunthorpe Telegraph.