Today's Brigg Extra page in the Scunthorpe Telegraph includes a prominent story about the latest crime trends in the area.
Here's the full text of the quarterly report delivered to the Brigg Police Authority Neighbourhood Panel's March meeting at the Angel Suite by Insp Brett Rutty, head of rural policing. Crime overall for the Brigg Neighbourhood Policing area during the last six months (September 2007 to February 2008) has decreased by 1.9 per cent, compared to the previous six months.
This includes burglary to people’s homes where there has been a reduction of 36 per cent. That’s the good news!
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for vehicle crime. Thefts of motor vehicles has increased by 25 per cent but it important to get this figure in context: there were five more offences reported in the last 6 months than in tne previous period.
Thefts from vehicle have increased by 55 per cent over the last six months, compared to the previous six months.
Again, in numerical terms this is 24 more crimes, most of which occurred during February (29 crimes reported) when we had a run of crimes across the rural part of North Lincolnshire.
We have had some successes in tackling this crime. Three Brigg teenagers were arrested after a report of youths acting suspiciously near to cars in Scawby Brook; officers were able to seize a vehicle from a man at Winterton whom we believe was involved in thefts from vehicles in the rural villages and our Divisional Intelligence Bureau is liaising with colleagues in Lincoln who seized a vehicle from one of their local villains who we suspect of coming to our area to commit crime.
All this activity appears to have caused vehicle crime to return to what we might expect to be ‘normal’ levels but clearly people need to remain vigilant, report any suspicious activity and be careful not to leave valuables, including satnavs in cars.
It is disappointing to report an increase in reported criminal damage crimes of 12 per cent over the last six months (16 more crimes).
Much of that increase is due to higher-than-usual levels in November, and February proved a difficult month with minor damage being caused to properties and vehicles. However, the trend is still downwards and we are on track to meet the target set for neighbourhood officers to reduce criminal damage by 15 per cent on last year’s levels.
Anti-Social BehaviourBetter news: Calls for service for anti-social behaviour have reduced by 15.4 per cent over the last six months compared to the previous period.
This is obviously good news but I am aware that changing seasons have an impact on anti-social behaviour and tackling anti-social behaviour remains core business for neighbourhood officers and PCSOs.
Respect patrols are continuing on a Friday and Saturday evening, specifically to focus on hot spot locations and respond to calls for service.
Turning to the three neighbourhoods making up that Brigg team area, I would like to provide an update on policing activity.
The villages of the
Ridge neighbourhood have received attention from PC Tracey Teal and PCSOs Kev Horsfall and Lynsey Stamp.
At Messingham the parking problem at the Brigg Road/Ash Grove junction is being tackled. Warning notices and advice is currently being given and this will be followed up by enforcement activity.
The issue has been raised through the Neighbourhood Action Team meeting which helps to ensure other agencies are involved in finding a solution.
Tracey and his team are also working with Messingham School and the local authority to develop a School Travel Plan.
Still on the theme of school and Road Safety, PCSO Kev Horsfall is making significant progress in working with local schools to develop a drawing competition to help raise children’s awareness of road safety and enable engagement between the police and schools.
Kev has put a lot of hard work and effort into this project which he hopes to role out to the junior/infant schools in the Brigg police area very soon.
Tracey and Kev have been out at Kirton Lindsey addressing problems with youths congregating and acting in an anti-social manner but also engaging with the Beaver, Cub and Scout groups there.
Street Sport has also started at Huntcliff School on a Wednesday evening between 6pm and 8pm to provide some sporting activity for teenagers
Kev recently organised a youth surgery at Hibaldstow, which was well attended and well received by teenagers.
Further events will be arranged and he hopes to make this a regular event
The Neighbourhood Action Team meeting was well-attended with about 20 representatives present.
Local neighbourhood issues were discussed and actions prioritised.
Scawby Village Hall will be the regular venue for the meetings, the next one being on May 1 at 7pm.
PC Vince Potter and PCSO Vicky Petty have been busy on the
Broughton and Appleby Neighbourhood.
Following a spate of car crime at the Water’s Edge development at Scawby they went out leafleting the area with advice notices to raise awareness and seek information.
This had a knock-on effect of generating interest in establishing a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme enabling Vicky to put a resident in touch with Ken Bates, the development officer for North Lincolnshire.
Working with traffic colleagues and other members of the Brigg team, Vince and Vicky have been tackling problems with off road motorcycles who often cause not only nuisance but a danger to themselves and other road users, at Broughton, Dragonby and Roxby.
The assistance of the police helicopter was also called in and several motorcycles were seized and many warning notices issued.
They team also paid some attention to other areas including Barnetby, Wrawby and Kirton.
At Broughton we have seen an increase in calls for service on a Friday night resulting in some damage being caused to cars at Brooklands Drive and the cricket screens at the Phil Grundy sportsground were also damaged recently.
Continued attention will be paid to Broughton by the team and the Friday and Saturday evening respect patrols.
The next Neighbourhood Action Team meeting will be at the Phil Grundy Centre at Broughton on April 8 at 7.30pm.
On the
Brigg and Wolds neighbourhood, PC Rob Armstrong and Sgt Liz Staff are working with Sir John Nelthorpe School and our partner agencies to tackle damage to the school and anti-social behaviour in the vicinity of the school.
Rob and PCSO Lisa Bogg are also focussing attention at the Spring’s Parade area of the town where again we are receiving complaints about youths congregating there in significant numbers.
Alcohol is being seized where teenagers are found in possession of it and parents will be contacted where teenagers are behaving inappropriately.
Support of parents is essential in helping to tackle issues relating to teenagers causing a nuisance in the community.
I urge parents to speak to their teenagers about the impact their behaviour can have on others in the community, particularly the elderly, when they gather together in numbers and behave in a rowdy or disorderly manner.
At Barnetby complaint have been received about motorcycles using bridleways.
Patrols are targeting these areas and warning letters being sent to keepers when a registration number is obtained
Complaints about parking outside the school at Worlaby are being addressed as has an issue of anti-social behaviour at The Hurds Farm development.
Local teenagers have been visited and this problem appears to have been resolved but passing attention is being given by Lisa.
The next Neighbourhood Action Team meeting will be on Wednesday, April 16 at Worlaby Village Hall, commencing at 7pm.
Finally, there will be some changes to the team by the end of this month.
Rob Armstrong’s temporary posting to the team has now been made permanent and a new PCSO, Rob Straker is currently under going training. We will also be pleased to welcome PCSO Craig Tomlinson who joins us from Scunthorpe. This will mean some moves to make best use of experience and balance staff to areas of highest demand.
Craig will be covering Messingham and Lynsey Stamp will join Rob Straker on the Brigg Neighbourhood, increasing our capacity to tackle issues across the communities served by the whole team.