Sunday, November 08, 2020


A welcome addition to the riverside in Brigg was added before the UK went into Coronavirus emergency Lockdown 2.
A new picnic area has been provided by Brigg Town Council on a grassy area overlooking the Old River Ancholme - opposite Glanford Boat Club's Island Carr base.
New 'anti-vandal' table and seating units, made from recycled plastic, have been installed. It's intended to make this area "lawn-like" and attractive so people make visits when the warmer weather returns next Spring.
Hopefully, the virus emergency will be over by then and social distancing will no longer be necessary.
It's only four weeks since Brigg Blog revealed the council's plans for the picnic area. We did not anticipate that it would be completed so quickly. People now need to respect the new additions to the riverside between the towpath and the Ancholme Way footpath/cycle route.
Similar table/seat units have also been added at the Millennium Green, off Elwes Street, by the Town Council.
From a distance, this furniture appears to be stained wood. However, the heavy duty plastic used is not going to weather with time. Nor will it require the same level of maintenance to keep things looking smart.
The plastic surfaces are also much easier to wipe clean, it seems to us.
PICTURED ABOVE: Seating at the new riverside picnic area (top) and on the Millennium Green (lower view).

The picnic area with the riverside towpath on the left.