Sunday, October 31, 2021


Attractive hedging might eventually replace the current rather patchy shrubbery which now borders two sides of the main Old Courts Road car park adjoining Brigg town centre.
Further details are anticipated at a future meeting of the Town Council, including the proposed height of the hedge.
Possibly funding will come from this authority and North Lincolnshire Council, as a partnership project.

The current shrubbery has various gaps through which people walk at will, which does not help the foliage to thrive.
However, what is there at the moment is a 'green' improvement on the very basic wooden fending which once ringed the car park (subsequently removed). The old fencing is pictured below in June 2013.
One of the first views visiting shoppers get of Brigg after leaving their vehicles and heading towards shops and other businesses is the perimeter of the car park. They also see it on the way back from the shops.
A hedge - perhaps waist-high - would improve the vista without reducing visibility for car drivers or pedestrians.



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