Thursday, October 14, 2021


Detailed plans have now been submitted to build a new house in Brigg which took many months to get through the initial stage in the planning process. A Government-appointed inspector visited the site last year.
An application in June 2019 seeking outline approval for a detached four-bedroom detached dwelling on land adjacent to 56 Bigby High Road was subsequently refused by North Lincolnshire Council, which described the site as being wholly outside the defined development boundary for Brigg and "within the open countryside."
However, a successful appeal was lodged, and in September 2020 a Secretary of State-appointed planning inspector overturned the local authority's decision and gave outline consent.
The inspector, who visited the site last August, said the main issue was whether the proposal would constitute an acceptable form of development with particular regard to the provisions of local policy in respect of the location.
"The main benefit that would arise in this instance would be the delivery of new housing, which must be considered against the shortfall in the 5 year housing land supply that the Council is able to demonstrate," the inspector said.
"The Council’s shortfall is not significant but nonetheless the delivery of new housing must carry weight in favour of the proposals, owing to the fact that it would serve to reduce the shortfall."
He ruled in favour of the applicant, granting outline approval.
A second, detailed planning application has now been submitted to North Lincolnshire Council and is awaiting a decision.
The consultation period for this application ('valid date' September 10) will end on October 29.
This 'reserved matters' application sets out the proposed access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale of the erected dwelling.