Thursday, February 25, 2021


Brigg Town Council held a minute's silence at its latest meeting on Tuesday night, in memory of local lady Nancy Walker Tague who died at the weekend, aged 63.
Nancy was a dedicated committee member of the Brigg in Bloom group which provides floral displays within the town.
The minute's silence was announced by Town Mayor Coun Sharon Riggall, who chairs Brigg in Bloom. Nancy was also remembered in the prayers said at the start of the meeting.
Later, it was revealed that a new rose garden is being considered at the Monument, and that 20 new hanging baskets for flowers are to be ordered.
Brigg will be entered for a number of categories in the forthcoming best-kept towns & villages competition organised by the Campaign to Protect Rural England (CPRE), the Town Council has decided.
North Lincolnshire Council is to carry out a 'purge' on overgrown hedges which overhang footpaths, in an effort to get home-owners to cut them back. This will need to be undertaken before the bird-nesting season gets into full swing.

PICTURED: Nancy Walker Tague, and hanging baskets displayed in previous years by the White Horse and Black Bull pubs.