Brigg Town Council has lodged an objection to one proposal for new housing and raised some concerns about another.
Its objection relates to an application seeking outline planning permission to erect up to nine dwellings on land at Westrum Lane. The town authority says this is "outside the development line and not on allocated land." It has also expressed drainage and highways concerns.
The Town Council says it neither supports nor objects to an outline application for residential development on the Car Sales and Storage Area, Engine Street. However, it has raised some concerns about flooding.
Discussions during the latest Brigg Town Council Planning & Environment Committee meeting also included a reference to parking in this area, prompting a recommendation/suggestion that at least two parking spaces are assigned to each property, should planning permission be granted by North Lincolnshire Council. The town committee also suggests the developer should contribute towards "a green open space."
North Lincolnshire Council, as the local planning authority, will decide the Westrum Lane and Engine Street applications in due course.