Planning permission is being sought to erect a first floor extension above the existing garage to provide additional accommodation at 11 Poppyfield Way, Brigg.
Approval is also being requested to erect an extension and alterations to provide additional accommodation at first floor level including balcony, proposed garden store and carport with playroom above at The Maples, 2 Russet Lane, Wrawby.
These two applications are now being considered by North Lincolnshire Council.
Planners have now granted permission for the erection of four detached dwellings with associated new shared private driveway on land off Barnetby Lane, Elsham.
Permission has also been given to erect a single-storey extension to the front of the dwelling and make alterations to the existing garage to form habitable space at 14 Beechwood Drive, Scawby.
Planning approval to erect a single and two-storey rear extension has been granted for 28 Lindum, Town Hill, Broughton.