Shoppers visiting Brigg Market will be able to raise issues of importance to them directly with the Town Council, which will booking a stall four times a year so it can liaise personally with residents.
This new initiative was agreed during the authority's July meeting, held in the Buttercross on Tuesday evening (July 27).
Coun Rob Waltham said the stall would allow the council to showcase what it was doing, and planning to do, including projects and consultations.
He initially suggested doing so twice a year, but readily accepted Town Mayor Coun Brian Parker's subsequent idea to man the stall quarterly. This was agreed.
Coun Jane Kitching thought it would be useful to ask the Freemen of Brigg if they wished to assist.
Coun Penny Smith had opened the discussion by suggesting the Bandstand in the Market Place was a better option than hiring a market stall.