Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Brigg Blog's recent post about the erection of 'flashing' signs to get drivers to slow down on Wrawby Road created plenty of interest.
We were soon contacted by one of our site followers who suggested one of these warning signs was "on the wrong side of the road" as the intention was to reduce the speed of vehicles approaching Sir John Nelthorpe School and heading towards Wrawby along the A18. He had already raised this matter with North Lincolnshire Council.
Brigg Blog contacted our local highway authority and a spokesman told us yesterday (Monday): "The post was erected in the incorrect position, but it is on the correct side of the road; therefore the post will be moved and turned to face the traffic arriving from the monument roundabout. We are chasing the contractors for a date when it will be moved."
As we said in our initial post, with two warning/reminder signs in place, there's no excuse for speeding on Brigg's busiest road!

PICTURED ABOVE: The sign which will soon be relocated to face traffic heading north along Wrawby Road on the approach to the school.