Sunday, November 10, 2019


By granting approval for a detached building to be erected in Brigg, North Lincolnshire Council has supported a home-based sewing & upholstery business.
The key building for this venture will be located near 24 Central Square.
When the application was submitted some weeks ago, council planners were told : "After considering using one of the rooms within the house as a home office, it was decided that, due to limited space, an external office was to be a more practical option."
The planning statement added: "The applicant is semi-retired and this is going to be more of a paid hobby so working hours won't be full time but (she) would like the flexibility of working hours between 8am and 8pm, Monday to Friday."
The detached 'home office' for the business is earmarked for a side garden at No 24 - opposite Woodbine Avenue.
Having discussed the application, Brigg Town Council supported the development of the business but raised concerns about possible increased traffic and parking in the area and felt this might become a problem near a bend on what is a narrow road.
Ruling in favour of granting permission for the building, North Lincolnshire Council planning staff revealed: "It has been confirmed that the proposed use will be for a home-based sewing room business which will only be used for two full days of work a week, with no additional staff and that there will not be any more than two cars at any time parked upon the driveway.
"The proposed sewing room will be visible from the highway but not at a level to warrant a refusal. Given the separation distance from  neighbouring properties, it will not create any overlooking, overbearing or overshadowing that would be detrimental to residential amenity rights of neighbouring properties."
The picture above by Neil Stapleton features Central Square and Woodbine Avenue on the left.

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