Friday, March 05, 2021


A truck breakdown was the reason why some public waste bins in Brigg were not emptied as planned earlier this week, we've been informed.
The picture above left - taken during this period - shows a full-to-overflowing one on the Davy Memorial field near Kings Avenue. It has since been emptied. We checked yesterday afternoon (Thursday) then walked to midway along Bridge Street (the western boundary of the conservation area) without spotting any that remained unemptied. We didn't get across the entire town.
Top right is a bin photographed yesterday near the entrance to Holland Park, adjoining the railway station - top down and plastic liner inside. This is quite an out-of-the-way location for a bin.
Some social media posts in recent days have complained about various bins being full to overflowing. So we thought we'd inquire officially about the cause (now notified).
People are free to comment about issues in Brigg (us included) but this situation was not helped by some dog owners who could see that bins were full yet still deposited items on top or nearby. Others, however, may have taken their full bags home for disposal.
Empyting these bins must be an unpleasant task for workers assigned by the council and is even more unsavoury when 'side waste' has to be collected, as indicated in one of our pictures.