Monday, March 01, 2021


A proposal to erect new dwellings and apartments off Bridge Street has met with no adverse comment from Brigg Town Council which was consulted as the first stage in the planning process.
At Dean Wray Carpets & Vinyls on Bridge Street, permission is being sought for the erection of 2 dwellings, 2 two-storey apartments with new undercroft access, landscape parking, a single-storey extension to the retail shop with store, amended loading bay and demolition of a redundant and abandoned yard building.
Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee considered this application at its latest meeting, when Town Mayor Coun Sharon Riggall said she had no objections - noting that an allocation was being made for vehicle parking within the site.
The committee agreed with the Mayor's views, and went on to raise no objections to five further proposals:
Detailed particulars relating to the erection of 20 apartments for the over-55s, including access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale - former Falcon Cycles site, off Bridge Street (outline planning permission already granted). Brigg Town Council added a comment that it would "like to see plans for green open space for recreational purposes."
Convert existing garage into living accommodation - Kei Vi Lyn, Grammar School Road.
Install a new disabled access to existing doors, including new ramp and steps - Sir John Nelthorpe School, Grammar School Road (listed building consent is also sought - this being the town's only grade one listed structure).
Vary condition of planning permission granted in 2019 to marginally increase the footprint of the extension, amend the roof to a hip design and to adjoin the existing roof line, and to revise the external window and door arrangements to all elevations - Abbey Village Care Home, Wrawby Street.
Install a dropped kerb on land adjacent to 26-27 Bigby Road.
North Lincolnshire Council planners will now make final decisions on all these applications in due course.

PICTURED: The Dean Wray Carpets & Vinyls site proposed for redevelopment, and land earmarked for another housing scheme further along Bridge Street; Sir John Nelthorpe School's historic frontage, where ramps and steps are proposed; Abbey Village Care Home, off Wrawby Road.