Saturday, January 22, 2022


Solar panels can be seen at various locations in Brigg today - utilising the sun's rays to produce 'green' power.
There are some fairly recent additions (example pictured above) in the car park opposite Sir John Nelthorpe Upper School.
Just a few yards away, on the other side of Grammar School Road, there used to be a swimming pool built during the Grammar School era.
It did not receive a heating plant until 1969, prior to which the water was only warmed by the often watery summer sun.
Many ex-pupils will have chilling memories of swimming in this pool on days when the sun failed to shine.
Even when cloud was absent above Brigg and blue skies prevailed, the pool's water temperature failed to rise above tepid.
Yet hardy souls at Brigg Grammar used to take bracing dips during the early weeks of the autumn term, as well as in June and July.
"Everyone into the pool!" used to be the cry as the pupils returned to the gymnasium after sports lessons.
The BSC pool heating arrived as part of refurbishment to mark the 300th (tercentenary) celebrations, held in 1969 to mark the foundation of the school through a generous bequest in Sir John Nelthorpe's will.