Perfect weather greeted a well-attended major event held in Brigg town centre yesterday (Saturday, August 13). And a tasty surprise was on offer to cricket lovers.
Stalls, mobile stands and tables & chairs outside some well-known town centre business premises found plenty of takers during the summer Brigg Food Festival.
Pictured here at lunchtime are La Finca (Spanish tapas street food) and the Lord Nelson Hotel.
Brigg Blog was interested to see a Market Place A-board highlighting the word 'cricket'.
We tucked into hundreds of traditional teas as a club player and league umpire for more than 40 years after being bitten by the cricket bug.
However, yesterday 'crunch with your lunch' cricket-style was being offered in Brigg.
Near the A-board was a stall selling packs of 'six-legged superfood' - protein-packed crunchy insects in a range of flavours.
Free samples of these crickets were offered in small pots by Bugvita, and the spicy kind we tried proved tangy and tasty.
This was the outlet's Brigg debut.
Adam Banks, pictured here on the stall, moved to Mexico to work some ears ago - insects forming an important part of that country's cuisine - "and after tasting his first taco stuffed with escamoles he was hooked!"
He later gained a farming scholarship to investigate how insects were being farmed for food around the world "and to see what opportunities might exist to rear insects for food in the UK."
Find out more at www.bugvita.com
Wrawby Windmill took a stall yesterday and handed out leaflets to promote forthcoming open days at the village landmark close to the A18.
Free admission and refreshments will be offered on bank holiday Monday, August 29, and again on Sunday, September 11 (1pm to 5pm).
Find out more about the mill and how it is supported by volunteers and a registered charity at www.wrawbywindmill.co.uk
Alongside the food festival, Brigg's traditional Saturday market offered fruit & veg, flowers and fish.
In addition to Brigg Town Business Partnership's festival, there was a wide range of music arranged by Brigg Live Arts, with the Bandstand serving its original purpose. The programme continued throughout the afternoon and into the evening.

Brigg Town Mayor Coun Brian Parker supporting the event.
Freeman of Brigg, Chris Darlington, co-ordinating the music as a steward for Brigg Live Arts.
A busy scene on Wrawby Street yesterday.
Guitarists providing the lunch-time music.