Monday, May 10, 2021


Consent has been given to remove a 30ft tall tree within the Brigg Conservation Area.
North Lincolnshire Council, as the local planning authority, received notice of intention to fell a False Acacia tree (also known as a Locust tree) from a local resident.
The tree is located behind 3 Manor House Convent, Bigby Street, near the junction with St Clares Walk.
The tree is close to a party garden wall shared with an adjoining property and less than 16ft from the rear of a three-storey grade two listed building.
Recommending that consent to carry out the work should be granted, a council officer's planning assessment report advised against making a Tree Preservation Order in this case.
"This tree is situated in a location where it is visible from the public realm but was considered to be of garden quality and not a significant tree that gives high visual amenity within the landscape," the report explained.

Consulted about the tree-felling proposal as part of the planning process, Brigg Town Council voiced no objections.

PICTURED: A view from St Clares Walk across the rear gardens of 2 Manor House Convent (nearest the camera) and No 3 beyond. The Locust tree is on the right.