Saturday, December 12, 2020


A new school can now be created in Brigg - following a decision made by North Lincolnshire Council.
The local planning authority has granted permission to change the use of a building on Wrawby Road (the A18) from a clinic to a special needs school.
This consent applies to Fircroft - a bungalow between the Health Place offices and Beldon House.
Brigg Town Council informed planners that while it had no objections in principle to this application, it did have concerns regarding access and traffic build up "when operational."
Objections relating to traffic were also made to the planning authority by two members of the public.
A detailed North Lincolnshire Council planning officer assessment report concluded: "The proposal does not seek to make any alterations to the building with the rear parking area laid to tarmac.  Given this, it is not considered that there would be any impacts upon the character and form of the Conservation Area.  The proposal is therefore considered to be acceptable."
While granting permission, the council has added a condition: "The proposed development shall not be brought into use until a submitted car parking management plan has been submitted and approved in writing by the LPA (local planning authority).  Once approved, the plans shall be implemented, reviewed, amended and updated as necessary."
A document recently sent to North Lincolnshire Council makes it clear that the applicant is mindful of the concerns raised about access to the site, and traffic, and stresses that no vehicles will be permitted to park or queue on Wrawby Road to drop off or pick up children from the school. Several "specific measures" will be implemented to make this possible.
Existing access points will be widened and hardstanding areas added for temporary car parking. Children will be allocated specific arrival and departure slots.


Fircroft - the bungalow on Wrawby Road which is earmarked for the new special needs school in Brigg. Beldon House is seen on the right.