Sunday, September 20, 2020


A medical surgery in Brigg is seeking permission to fell trees within the Conservation Area. Notice of intention to remove two silver birches has been submitted to North Lincolnshire Council, through an agent.
The trees are to the rear of No 53 - Bridge Street Surgery. North Lincolnshire Council planners are now considering the application, and Brigg Town Council will be consulted as part of the process.
The town's Planning & Environment Committee will do so on Tuesday (September 22) in a 'virtual' meeting on the web using the Zoom facility, starting at 6.45pm.
The committee will also discuss and comment on the following applications submitted recently:
Outline planning permission to erect 70 dwellings with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale reserved for subsequent consideration – Keyo Agricultural Services, on Island Carr Road, Brigg.
Advertisement consent for two display screens and three signs to the rear of building – The Angel, Market Place, Brigg, by North Lincolnshire Council.
Final decisions on all three applications will be made in due course by the North Lincolnshire authority.