Tuesday, June 23, 2020


The refusal of two Brigg planning applications by North Lincolnshire Council has resulted in appeals being lodged in an effort to get the local authority's decisions overturned.
The result of one has been announced, while the other inquiry is pending.
The national Planning Inspectorate upheld the council's decision to refuse permission for a two-storey rear extension at 8 Woodbine Avenue.
The inspector appointed concluded that the proposed development would have an adverse effect on the living conditions of the occupants of 7 Woodbine Avenue with regard to light.
Another appeal has been lodged after North Lincolnshire Council refused to grant outline permission to erect a dwelling on land adjacent to 56 Bigby High Road.
The inspector appointed to the case will consider statements from the appelant and the local authority. The inspector's decision is awaited.
Brigg Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee was updated about the progress of both appeals during its latest meeting.
The committee had only one pending planning application to consider and raised no objection to the current bungalow at 11 Eastfield Road, Brigg, being demolished and replaced with a new dwelling.
North Lincolnshire Council planners will now make the final decision.