Sunday, January 27, 2019


Brigg Town Council has decided it is "in support" of the three latest local planning applications submitted for consideration.
The Planning & Environment Committee, meeting in the Angel Suite, raised no objection to the following:

  • Replace shop front and entrance to flats and advertisement consent to display front fascia signage at Riverside Mews Residential Home, 34 Market Place (close to the County Bridge).
  • Erect single storey rear extension at 3 Kings Avenue.
  • Undertake crown reduction by pollarding back to previous pruning points on a black poplar identified as T1 in (and subject to) Tree Preservation (Bigby High Road, Brigg) Order 1976 - at 63 Bigby High Road.
These applications now progress to North Lincolnshire Council, the local planning authority, for final decisions to be made.
Coun Mike Storey, pictured above, chaired the first Brigg planning meeting of 2019, and it did not prove a lengthy one.
The application submitted to planners about the black poplar explains that pollarding work is required to reduce shading and to rejuvenate the crown - thereby extending the life of the tree.