Thursday, June 27, 2019
The many steelworkers who live in Brigg and district can be assured that efforts are being made to secure the future of the Scunthorpe works.
This was stressed during Brigg Town Council's June meeting by Coun Rob Waltham, the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council.
Coun Waltham delivers a monthly update on North Lincolnshire Council matters with Brigg's boundary.
However, during the latest meeting, held in the Angel Suite, he widened the net to include the steel industry, which has been hitting the headlines nationally and abroad in recent weeks.
Coun Waltham said British Steel was on many people's minds, and stressed: "There's a lot going on to try and secure the future of the steel industry."
PICTURED: A recent view of a torpedo ladle on British Steel's Scunthorpe works, taken from Brigg Road.