Sunday, September 16, 2018


A member of the public is calling for day and night police patrols in Brigg.
Many local people were sad and upset about recent incidents of vandalism within the town centre, including litter bins being tipped over and Brigg in Bloom flower arrangements damaged.
A member of the public (name supplied but with a request not to publish) has contacted Brigg Blog to highlight other acts of vandalism at the Millennium Green, on Elwes Street, and elsewhere, and press for extended police patrols.
He suggests that "the escalation of vandalism throughout the town" shows the need for "a continuous and visible" police presence  "day and night - not just an occasional drive by."
He adds: "Brigg is big enough, surely, to cover the cost of this - and we have a police station!"
The member of the public also points out that two of the new riverside 'don't feed ducks or swans with bread'  signs have been removed - "one can only assume by vandals."
In addition, one of the new benches facing the river "has also been vandalised."
Brigg Blog has afforded Humberside Police an opportunity to reply to the above, if it wishes.