Friday, April 27, 2018


A vacant area of the former Brigg Sugar Factory site at Scawby Brook, which closed in the early 1990s, can now be re-developed.
This follows North Lincolnshire Council's planning committee  granting an application to construct a new access road.
Property Recycling Group plc, which acquired the site 16 years ago,  is in active discussion with potential purchasers of land near the  power stations, the council was told.
This area is designated for employment use in the North Lincolnshire Development Plan, adopted in 2016.
In order to free up the site's development potential, there is a need to extend the existing access road, planners were informed.
This will serve "future, as yet undefined, re-development schemes" to be the subject of detailed planning applications, in due course, from "others."
Drawings submitted in support of the access road application show a Future Development Site/Future Development Land.
Brigg Sugar Factory, which opened in the late 1920s, was our area's largest employer by the mid-1960s with 380 permanent and casual workers.
Following closure, many of the factory buildings had been demolished by the end of the 1990s.
The planning committee granted permission although Scawby Parish Council  objected to the application, having concerns about construction traffic following "an agreed and acceptable route to the site to cause minimal disturbance to the area."
The parish council also felt a strategy should be in place to alleviate further HGV traffic associated with future planned development of the area.

In granting permission, North Lincolnshire Council  attached a number of conditions.
One of these stipulates that no development shall take place until a construction phase traffic management plan showing details of traffic movements to and from the site has been submitted and approved by the council.

PICTURE FROM THE 1970s: The landmark silos which were a feature of Brigg Sugar Factory.

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