Thursday, June 03, 2021


There's a good deal of building work going on in Brigg and some nearby settlements at present, with planning approval now being sought so other new properties can be constructed and extensions added to existing dwellings.
The striking recently-taken picture above, courtesy of Neil Stapleton, shows development continuing on land off Almond Grove near the Donkey Park children's play area on the edge of Brigg's long-established Newlands housing estate.
The development is in the centre of the picture, with existing properties on Almond Grove to the right and Atherton Way on the left. Access to the new development is via Almond Grove.
West Lindsey District Council recently granted planning permission for a 1.5-storey side extension and single-storey front extension at Moor Farm, Owmby Lane, North Kelsey Moor.
The same authority is now considering the following applications, recently submitted:
BIGBY: Outline scheme to erect one dwelling and associated garage, land off Smithy Lane.
SOUTH KELSEY: Erect one dwelling, Church Farm, Waddingham Road.
NORTH KELSEY: Construction of new vehicular access and driveway, with removal of existing driveway and alterations to boundary fencing, 6 Barrick Close.