Monday, December 05, 2016


Brigg Town Council is getting a new member, to bring its strength up to the  full 19 again.
Coun Sheila Boughey having resigned some time ago, the town council - at its latest meeting in the Angel Suite - had to "consider applications for co-option and determined the candidate who will fill the Town Council vacant seat."
Two people had expressed a written interest, and councillors voted to elect Deb Dunderdale.
She is well-known in the town, particularly for her hard work on behalf of the Brigg Town Business Partnership and from her role at the Deli & Diner, on Wrawby Street.
Above we see Debs serving customers following Friday night's Christmas lights switch-on and late night shopping event.
Mrs Dunderdale attended the meeting as an interested observer.
The council agreed to send a letter to the unsuccessful applicant, Jamie Keedy-Collins.
Coun Mike Campion said it was good to see interest being shown by people in the Town Council's work.
Having signed her declaration of acceptance form, the new councillor will be able to take up her  role at the authority's December meeting.
Mrs Boughey  contributed a good deal to the community during her time as a councillor.
Some years ago she was a member of the small team which oversaw the Brigg's celebrations to mark the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, which included a range of events in the town centre and at the Recreation Ground.

Sheila Boughey in Brigg Market Place during her time as a councillor - pictured by Ken Harrison.

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