Monday, December 04, 2017
A scheme to provide more than 20 new homes in Brigg - of the 'affordable' variety - has gained the support of the Town Council.
And some interesting comments were made during discussions in the Angel Suite Lounge.
Outline planning permission is currently being sought to build on land off Atherton Way, not far from the M180.
Coun Mike Storey, pictured above, chairing the Town Council's Planning & Environment Committee meeting, described this stretch of motorway as excessively noisy.
"This may be an opportunity for us to mention that things can be done," he suggested.
Possible options he suggested included 'baffling' against noise and changing the surface of the road.
House building needed to be encouraged, he stressed, but North Lincolnshire Council (the highway and planning authority) needed to look at noise from the motorway affecting home-owners.
Coun Deb Dunderdale pointed out that the proposed development was in an area of town with a school which saw extra road traffic at certain times of the day.
That prompted Coun Tina Campbell to recall the "nightmare" that existed on Grammar School Road during the period of the old Vale Academy building, since replaced.
Coun Storey said people needed to be encouraged not to make so many car journeys.
Coun Ann Eardley expressed concerns about potential flooding in this part of the town.
The committee agreed to tell North Lincolnshire Council that while supporting the development of housing on this site "it feels that the opportunity should be taken to address the noise levels from the motorway, affecting this development and nearby residents and recreational users, with some kind of mitigation scheme."
The outline application for residential development, submitted by CLS Civil Engineering Ltd, is now under consideration by North Lincolnshire planners, who have the final say.
The number of homes is not specified in the wording of the application but a supporting document gives an indication.