North Lincolnshire Council has now approved an outline application to build 40 residential apartments, a commercial market and make enhancements to the Holland Park "village green."
This scheme was made public on October 14 last year and it has taken 11 months for a decision to be made.
It is understood the housing "units" on land near Station Road will be specifically for the over-55s.
A council report says: "The land on which the public market space is proposed is bordered by a line of mature trees but is of little landscape value with a rough, flat surface and a lack of defining features."
It also notes: "Brigg Town Council has raised an issue in relation to the potential height of the proposed houses. The design and access statement submitted with the planning
application states that the maximum height of the residential units will be four storeys.
"This is an outline planning application, therefore issues relating to the scale, siting and layout of housing, and thus the potential for loss of residential amenity arising from these matters, will be considered at a detailed application stage.
"Notwithstanding this it is considered that the erection of residential development at a height of four storeys would not be out of keeping with the scale and height of residential development in this part of Brigg."
Council highways staff have recommended a number of planning approval conditions which relate to the "adoption" of Station Road, details of car parking and the general arrangement/segregation of the proposed car parking spaces to serve the mix of uses.
The council report suggests: "The imposition of these conditions will also address the potential for additional/improved pedestrian footways and lighting along Station Road which in turn will improve pedestrian movements to and from the railway station.
"Whilst the submitted layout plan is indicative, it does show adequate levels of parking provision for the proposed residential and commercial market elements of the scheme; in addition the general parking areas would be available for parking on non-market days to the general public for the purposes of using the railway station."
The next stage before building work begins will involved an application for full (detailed) planning permission, in which full particulars will be made known.
There will be an opportunity for interested members of the public to comment if/when things progress.
N.F. ADDS: Brigg Blog is pleased that this application has finally been decided. We have run a number of stories in since February about it still being in the pending pile. As yet we cannot reveal why it took 11 months. But we still hope to find out.
A winter view of Holland Park, near Brigg railway station, which is officially designated a village green. There's no such thing as a town green, is there? |