Friday, May 30, 2014


Listed building consent and planning permission have been granted for surviving old cottages in Brigg town centre.
North Lincolnshire planners have approved alterations in connection with the conversion of two cottages into one dwelling. The location is to the rear of 18 Wrawby Street. 
These are two of the last remaining examples of the type of housing occupied by Brigg people from the 18th century through to the first half of the 20th.
However, most of the old courts were cleared progressively from the early 20th century, things really gathering pace when the Newlands estate was created in the 1930s.
The cottages that are the subject of the planning application have not been lived in since the early 1950s and were later used for storage purposes by a local business.
The application to do something useful with the two cottages was submitted by Brigg man John Mundey.
You can view the cottages through a gated archway off Wrawby Street (near Sankey's and and Newell's shops) or by looking down Chapel Court, near the Old Courts Road car park.

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