Tuesday, June 26, 2018


Brigg is fortunate to have many long-established clubs and societies - sporting, social and cultural.
A directory compiled 44 years ago for Edward Dodd's book Brigg listed some that are still going today and named one or more officials to contact in each case, to help those keen to join. However, a number of clubs have fallen by the wayside since 1974.
We trust the list compiled by Lincolnshire & South Humberside Times journalist Ted will bring back memories of how the town used to be.

Air Training Corps: Group Captain in 1974 was K. A. Hubbard, of Grammar School Road.
Air Cadets: Officer commanding in 1974 was T. Fryer, Yaddlethorpe.
Brigg Amateur Operatic Society: Chairman in 1974 was Coun George Hewson, Eastfield Road.
Ancholme Rowing Club: Chairman in 1974 was Roy O'Neill, Wrawby Road; secretary, Mike Hookham, Bigby Road.
Ancholme Artists: Secretary in 1974 was Marjorie Burton, Howsham; treasurer, Jenny Parker, Central Square, Brigg.
Brigg Bowling Club: President in 1974 was John Baggott, Glanford Road, Brigg.
Brigg Town Cricket Club: Chairman in 1974 was Coun Bryan Robins, Albert Street; secretary, Brian Parker (now Deputy Town Mayor and a member of Brigg Town Council).
Brigg Town Football Club: Chairman in 1974 was Harry Williams, Grammar School Road; secretary, Charlie Petch, Central Square; ladies' section chairman, Ivy Turner, Ash Grove.
Glanford Boat Club: Commodore in 1974 was A. J. Rouse, Grimsby.
Old Briggensians, Brigg Grammar School: Chairman in 1974 was Alan Turner, Kirton Lindsey; Golfing Society president, A. I. Morris, Scawby. Brigg Girls' High School Old Girls' Association: Secretary, Mrs S. Wainwright, Kennedy Close. (The Briggensians' Association today represents former pupils and staff of Brigg Grammar, Brigg Girls' High, Sir John Nelthorpe School and Brigg Sixth Form).
Girl Guides: District Commissioner in 1974 was Mrs W. H. Dey, Burgess Road.
Brigg Men's Hockey Club and Ladies' Hockey Club: Men's secretary in 1974 was Jack Moore, Bigby High Road; ladies' secretary, Pam Spray, Broughton. 
(These days combined into one club).
Brigg Lions: Secretary in 1974 was Vernon Atkin, Bigby High Road.
Brigg Rotary: President in 1974 was Robert Crosby, King's Avenue.
Round Table: Secretary in 1974 was K. R. Gooderham, Churchill Avenue.
Scouts: District commissioner in 1974 was Geoff Jarvis, Bigby High Road.
Women's Institute: Secretary in 1974 was Olive Thompson, St Helen's Road.
Youth Club: Leader in 1974 was Tom Glossop (much later to be made Brigg's only Freeman after long service as a Town Councillor).
Mothers' Union: Secretary in 1974, Mrs L. G. Watkinson, Bigby High Road.
Music & Drama Festival Society: Chairman in 1974, Ernie Urry, Hedgerow Lane.
Brigg Flower Club: Chairman, Mrs E. Downs, St Helen's Road.
St John's Men's Society: Chairman in 1974: J. E. Peart, Albert Street.

Brigg Ballet School: Principal: Carole Aldridge, Manley Gardens.
Children's Theatre School:  Proprietor, Joan Dodd, St Helen's Road.
Clay Pigeon Club: Chairman, Norman  Leonard, Bridge Street.
Brigg Sugar Factory Cricket Club: Secretary, Bob Goulby,  Sugar Factory Maisonettes, Scawby Brook.
Fatstock Show Committee: Chairman, Jack Day, Wrawby.
Old Tyme Dance Club: Secretary, Mrs  E. Green, Westrum Lane.
Reading Room: Chairman, L. G. Watkinson, Bigby High Road.
St Helen's Park Residents' Association: Chairman, E. P. Dimmock, 17 St Helens Park.
Tufty Club: Chairman, Mary Atkin,  Bigby High Road.
Toc H: Chairman, Bill Shakespeare, Birch House, Westmoor Road.
Lincs Road Car Parcels Depot: T. Button, 21A Bridge Street (then a shop).
Licensed Victuallers' Association - Brigg, Barton & Caistor: Secretary, Eileen Ward, The Marrowbone & Cleaver, Kirmington.
Brigg & District Horticultural Society Show: Secretary, George Green, Rosecroft, Wrawby Road.
Exchange Club: President, G. J. Booth, Thornton Curtis.
Brigg Chamber of Trade: President, John Gregory, Wrawby Road.
Poor Clares of Newry Convent: Grammar School Road.

Police: Chief Inspector Mick Allcock, Police Station, Wrawby Road (today's station on Barnard Avenue was opened a few years later). Mick became Superintendent Allcock, based in Scunthorpe.
District Education Officer: H. Aelberry, Grammar School Road (near the junction with Colton Street).
The Cedars Clinic, Bigby Road: Doctors Foxton, Bowler, Proctor and Dixon. Also available at The Cedars, in addition to the GP surgery, were child health services and food sales, toddlers' clinic, relaxation and mothercraft, mothers' club, speech therapy, dental services with a careers officer attending from time to time. The other GP surgery in 1974 was at 53 Bridge Street - Doctors J.H. and C. M. Willis.
Wrawby & Brigg Joint Burial Board: Chairman, Coun Bryan Robins; secretary, Joseph J Magrath OBE, Civic Centre, Cary Lane.
Brigg Urban District Council: Chairman, Dorothy Selby, Hedgerow Lane.
Brigg Branch County Library, Princes Street: Librarian, Mrs D. M. Crowther. (Building currently occupied by Brigg Beds).
Public Health: Inspector: J. B. Cowdell, Civic Centre, Cary Lane (the building next to Wilko's - now used by Humberside Police).
Potato Marketing Board: Area supervisor, T. P. O'Brien, Bank House, 9 Market Place.
Brigg Grammar School, Grammar School Road: Headmaster, H. B. Williams.
Brigg Girls' High School, Wrawby Road: Headmistress, Miss A. Moore.
Brigg Secondary School, Redcombe Lane: Headmaster: B. C. Price.
Brigg Preparatory School, Bigby Street: Headmistress, Mrs M. A. Woodcock.
St Mary's Primary School, Westmoor Road: Headmistress, Sister Mary Oliver.
Glebe Road County Junior and Infants School: Headmaster, Mr B. Wass.


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