Sunday, December 31, 2017


Tonight being New Year's Eve 2017 we can expect it to be a busy time for  licensed premises in Brigg.
However, as December 31 is a Sunday and many people will have been out last night, this may affect the numbers venturing out on New Year's Eve.

Brigg Town Football Club's licensed Hawthorns venue will be staging a New Year's Eve family disco tonight from 8pm. 
Everyone is welcome to attend - membership and tickets not required.
There will be live New Year's Eve entertainment on Sunday, December 31 at the Britannia Inn,  featuring singer Suzie Scott Lee.
At the Woolpack, in the Market Place, covers band Black Orchid will be performing.
How many pubs this year will see the traditional linking of arms and communal singing of Auld Lang Syne?
That reference reminds us of New Year's Eve 2014 when regulars at the Black Bull exited the front door just prior to midnight and then returned to 'first foot' the hostelry a few minutes later.
Remembering New Year's Eve 2014 through pictures we took at the Black Bull, on Wrawby Street, Brigg.
Many householders in Brigg like to see in the new year with fireworks.
Great fun for them but the loud bangs are bound to upset many pets living in the town.
Judging by previous years it could be several hours into the new year before the final fireworks are set off.

A good many Brigg people have memories of New Year's Eve 1999 which was really special, as not only did town centre pubs see in a new year but also a new century and a new millennium! We were out and about that night, camera in hand, taking pictures for a special party time publication by the Scunthorpe Telegraph.


 Springbank housing estate, Brigg. PICTURE BY NEIL STAPLETON.

Brigg Blog today looks back on 2017 - a generally good year for the town - in our review of the year, posted on December 31.
There have been improvements to sporting and recreation facilities,  many newsworthy items relating to local pubs and eateries, and some honours and awards for local people.
Over the 12 months we have brought readers almost 1,500 posts.
March proved to be the busiest with 161 items of interest.
Follow the links in the story that follows to see the original posts.

Brigg Recreation Ground's new "Blue Astro" floodlit pitch. PICTURE BY NEIL STAPLETON.
JANUARY saw a major milestone in sport with the first game played on the newly-refurbished Recreation Ground.
We also reported  the installation of new equipment at one of our parks.
There was  a welcome addition to one of the town centre's pubs.
Sadly, though, we lost two people who contributed much to education in Brigg.
One through his work as a governor and another as headteacher at one of our schools.

FEBRUARY saw a welcome extension at a local pub specialising in meals.
The top building in Brigg was selected by the Town Council.
A Brigg sportsman hit the headlines at the tender age of 67!
And Brigg Blog took its hat off to some old-fashioned policing in the town.

MARCH saw a pop-up shop come to town.
A well-known figure in Brigg was elected to the Town Council.
The town's first citizen praised the Friends of the Brigg Line rail campaign and others.
And we reported how a Brigg shop was impressing visitors from far away.

APRIL saw a Brigg team finish runner-up in the final of a national knockout competition.
People turned out in force to support a fundraiser in memory of a well-known Brigg teacher.

And Spring having sprung, the weather had a few surprises in store.

MAY saw us reporting from - and photographing in depth (pardon the pun) -  the Ancholme River Festival.

Brigg installed a new Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor.
Unsurprisingly, we provided very detailed coverage of Brigg Beer Festival 2017.
Sadly, there were also incidents of fly-tipping which came under fire from a high-ranking councillor.

In JUNE a Brigg town centre shop had a busy final day before closing its doors for the last time.
There was a national honour awarded to a Brigg man. And a local eatery underwent refurbishment

JULY saw Brigg Bike Night 2017 prove a major success and we posted many pictures of  motor-cyclists and visitors enjoying the event
Brigg Blog reported plans for a new restaurant and bar.
And a quality award was won by a local business.

AUGUST saw  Brigg Horse Fair 2017 draw big crowds to the town. and afforded many good picture opportunities.
During a hot spell of weather, war-time songs were enjoyed during a social event held in one of our pub's beer gardens.
And Brigg Blog made a 20-mile public transport ride to compile a unique summer feature.

In SEPTEMBER there was a big turn-out for the unveiling of a Brigg memorial.
A major athletics event - centred on Brigg - attracted a large entry. And a Brigg sportsman was honoured as he began his 50th season.

In OCTOBER Brigg Blog celebrated its 10th anniversary.
Shoppers were invited to bag a bargain as a new shop opened.
And Brigg shared in a £14-million investment.

Sir John Nelthorpe School, Brigg, on the left, close to Woodbine Avenue, Central Square and East Parade. PICTURE BY NEIL STAPLETON.

 NOVEMBER saw a Brigg shop serve its final customers before closure.
A celebrity couple came to town and five programmes about their stay appeared on TV.
A father and son took over one of Brigg's best-known hostelries as the long-serving landlord retired. And a Brigg 'white elephant' was criticised.

In DECEMBER there were a few changes to the normal arrangements for the Brigg Christmas lights switch-on 2017, which drew crowds of eager shoppers.
A Brigg feature's long-term future was secured. And plans for 20+ new  homes in the town were welcomed by councillors.

This article is illustrated with some striking bird's eye drone pictures of Brigg taken by local man Neil Stapleton. He kindly shared a selection of his images with us this year.  Here's a link to enjoy one of his videos.

Brigg Town Football Club and Hawthorn Avenue. PICTURES BY NEIL STAPLETON.

Wrawby Road, Brigg.


People living in the Brigg area who are always looking for places to visit with children and grandchildren will be interested in a new development  planned just a short drive  from our area.
Permission is being sought to change the use of a redundant barn and surrounding field into a themed outdoor activity centre with  cafe and toddler play area.
The proposed location is off Nettleton Road, Caistor - along the Viking Way Public Footpath, which runs from the Humber at Barton, via Barnetby and Caistor to Rutland.
West Lindsey and Lincolnshire planners have been told the facility will include assault courses, ropes  and outdoor play equipment centred around a Viking theme.
A striking Viking Longboat climbing frame will form the centrepiece.
An existing barn at the entrance to the site will also accommodate the café and small indoor play area where younger children can participate in crafts and other  educational activities.
The application, submitted by someone living in Grimsby, is now being considered by the relevant planners - NOT North Lincolnshire Council.

Grimsby's legendary founder was Havelok The Dane, while village and town names ending in 'by' and 'thorpe'  link back to the Viking era.
Read more about the Viking Way footpath through this link...

Saturday, December 30, 2017


Windy weather is on its way to Brigg, forecasters suggest.
During the 1960s, Bob Dylan famously sang about things Blowin' in the Wind.
And now Storm Dylan is on its way to the UK.
The Met Office has kindly sent Brigg Blog details of its latest in-depth forecast.
View what's in store through this link...
We were taught about weather forecasting by geography master Geoff 'Shoddy' Jarvis at Brigg Grammar School in the late 1960s and early 1970s.
Reading weather charts to give forecasts then formed part of the O-Level exam.
These days, of course, you can get forecasts on an App or delivered straight to your phone, PC or tablet.
Why BGS's long-serving geography master was called Shoddy we have no idea.
Perhaps he had some connection with a Yorkshire town specialising in turning scraps of woollen rags into cloth, which they call shoddy.
It was used to make army uniforms and blankets.

Geoff was a fine teacher but  we recall helping ourselves to some easy runs off his bowling during the annual cricket match between Pupils and Staff at Brigg Grammar in the early 1970s.
However, he must have been in his late 50s or early 60s by then.


Roadworks are coming up in Brigg and delays are forecast for motorists.
Anglian Water will be carrying out repairs at the junction of the A18  Wrawby Road and Churchill Avenue on Tuesday, January 9, 2018.
Delays are "likely" for drivers while this work is being undertaken.


There will be live New Year's Eve entertainment to enjoy in Brigg on Sunday, December 31.
Suzie Scott Lee,  a female vocalist performing songs from the 1960s through to the present era, will be appearing at the Britannia Inn, on Wrawby Street.

The Black Orchid rock covers band will be playing at the Woolpack, in Brigg Market Place, on New Year's Eve.
The group will be performing songs made famous by Bryan Adams, Fleetwood Mac, Blondie, Police, The Killers, Stereophonics, Franz Ferdinand, Abba, Robert Palmer, ZZ Top, Green Day and many others.


Outline planning application for proposed residential development (6 dwellings) is being sought for land off Brigg Road, Wressle -  the  hamlet near Brigg which is part of Broughton parish.
A report submitted with the application suggests the  development will have a specific and distinctive design character that responds to the general character of Wressle.
It says the dwellings will be constructed of high quality, energy efficient materials, whilst the proposed landscaping scheme "will enhance the development in its surroundings and assist in assimilating this new built form into the existing natural landscape."
North Lincolnshire Council is now considering this application.

Meanwhile, the council, as the local planning authority, has decided that its prior approval will NOT be required to demolish the former Co-op shop and store at 106 High Street, Broughton.
A report compiled by council staff makes reference to two brick-built buildings which have been vacant for a number of years.
"It is proposed to demolish these buildings and clear the site pending future residential development," the report suggests.
"A separate planning application will be submitted for the development of the site at a later date."

PICTURED: The approach to Wressle.

Friday, December 29, 2017


It's surprising how much discarded chewing gum can be seen on paths in and around Brigg.
It is not only unsightly and annoying if it sticks to the soles of your shoes, but allegedly one sort can pose a threat to the health of dogs.
We didn't realise there were concerns until recently when a passer-by on Wrawby Street told us as one of our pets was sniffing a blob of the stuff.
Discarded gum can be found on rural paths as well as the middle of town and on streets on housing estates across Brigg.
So we are making an appeal for people who chew gum to be a more thoughtful in the future.
Please put it in the nearest waste bin and don't just drop it on the nearest path.
Here's a link to a national newspaper online post on this topic...
Removing gum from footpaths is also costly for local councils and a task they could well do without.



More than 100 businesses have accepted an invitation to the launch of a North Lincolnshire Ambassador programme early in the New Year – and more are welcome.
The event, at Forest Pines, pictured, on Thursday, 18 January, at 7.30am, has been organised by The North Lincolnshire Place Marketing Board, which includes representatives from the construction sector, professional services, retail, advertising, heavy industry and manufacturing, as well as North Lincolnshire Council.
Its focus is to promote the region and help attract greater inward investment.
The Ambassador programme asks businesses to sign up to a scheme to become advocates for North Lincolnshire, collectively celebrating and championing the strength and depth of the economy, the skills base available and the infrastructure which will support investment.
Businesses will be able to find out more at the January launch.
As part of the programme the council’s economic development team will be reshaping the North Lincolnshire Business Networking events, creating an online depository of marketing material and literature and working together to promote the region nationally and internationally.
Cllr Rob Waltham MBE (Brigg & Wolds),  the Leader of North Lincolnshire Council, said: “We’re really pleased with the response to the invitations but there is room for many more.
“I’m delighted businesses have come together to take on the role of positioning North Lincolnshire as one of the best places in the UK for economic success and enterprise, as well as a great place for families to live and grow.
“We are keen to attract inward investment and secure better paid jobs for our residents going forward.”
Nina Stobart, from Phillips 66, chairs the board and thanked those who are supporting the programme.
She said: “North Lincolnshire Ambassadors are just that, a group of people who are fed up with the area we all live and work in being knocked; we want to show what a wonderful place it is.
“We are surrounded by areas of outstanding natural beauty, we have strong businesses from family-run butchers to global industrial giants, education which we should be shouting from the roof tops about and most of all we have a diverse and passionate population.
“Everyone I mention makes our county what it is."
To make sure your business is represented at the launch, book your place at and search for North Lincolnshire.


Brigg Blog is sorry to report the death of a former Brigg Girls' High School pupil.
Valerie Parish, who died aged 86, was the younger daughter of Layne's Garage, Bigby Street, coach-painter and signwriter Charles Taylor, a 1914-18 War Lincolnshire Regiment veteran, and his wife Dorothy (Dolly).
Valerie grew up in a newly-built council house on Hawthorn Avenue during the 1930s.
She was a bright pupil at Brigg County Primary School, on Glebe Road, and went on to gain a coveted place at the town's High School.
After leaving school post-war, Valerie went into banking and lodged, for some time, in Grimsby while working on the counter at a local branch.

She married Cliff Parish, from Willoughton, a former pupil of Brigg Grammar School. They eventually married at St John's Church, Brigg.
Valerie and Cliff went on to buy a new bungalow in a nice area on the outskirts of Lincoln and settled down to married life, both working in clerical positions.
They made frequent return visits to Brigg down the decades.
Following the death of her husband, Valerie stayed on in the couple's bungalow until ill-health meant moving to a care home in Lincoln.
Her funeral service was held at the city's  Washingborough Road crematorium on Tuesday, January 2 at 11.10am.

Family flowers only, please. Donations in lieu of flowers for the RAF Benevolent Fund will be welcome through a collection taken at the service, online at or by cheques made payable to  'RAF Benevolent Fund'  sent to FREEPOST Remembering Someone Special, RAF Benevolent Fund, 67 Portland Place, London, W1B 1AR.

Thursday, December 28, 2017


A busy major road just outside Brigg is to be closed to traffic, motorists are advised.
Lincolnshire County Council says it intends to make a legal Order to allow essential maintenance to take place.
The location will be the A1084 between Kettleby Lane and the junction with the B1434.
The work is intended the take three days and will be carried out during a three-week period starting on, or about, January 8, 2018.
Road signs will be put in place to advise drivers.
Brigg Blog will post further details in the new year.


Very well-received when it launched in December 2016 at the town centre's Angel Suite, the Brigg Angels Women's Institute Festive Celebration is  being repeated today (Thursday, December 28, 2017).
Last December the WI extended a warm welcome to the "elderly, isolated and lonely people" of Brigg to joined them over the festive period.
The free Community Celebration took place in late December and included a festive cold carvery buffet, varied entertainment, free raffle and a present from Santa.
Transport was also arranged for the less mobile.
Brigg Town Council has given a £475 grant towards the 2017 event being held today.


Investment is planned in Brigg mobile phone coverage.
The proposal is to install new equipment, including dishes and cabinets, to replace existing facilities on Bigby Road, near the railway line and the car sales business.
The existing telecommunications installation is to be upgraded.
Clarke Telecom Ltd, of Manchester, has informed North Lincolnshire Council planners of its intention "to utilise permitted development rights for the replacement."

Wednesday, December 27, 2017


Ongo - the social landlord for North Lincolnshire - has been given permission to build on a vacant plot of land that will be familiar to many Brigg Blog followers who were educated in the town.
Ongo Homes Ltd has now been granted permission to erect a detached bungalow with associated boundary treatments and landscaping.
The location is between West Square, East Parade and Glebe Road, adjoing the former County Primary School.

The site of the former council lock-up garages, since demolished. Brigg County Primary School was on the left, where the fence now marks the boundary with a cul-de-sac housing development.

The bungalow to be built has been "reduced in size" from what was originally proposed.
Eight years ago Brigg Blog reported the demolition of former lock-up, council-owned garages and clearance of this site.
In more recent times we wondered why no plans had followed to do something useful with this vacant parcel of land.
Then, several months ago, Ongo submitted a planning application to do just that.
The property  will be suitable for a family having a disabled member and is categorised as sheltered housing.
A report prepared by North Lincolnshire Council about the application said: "The site is in an established residential area which mainly consists of two-storey properties; however, as the proposed dwelling is designed to provide accessible living accommodation, it is not considered that the design is inappropriate in the area.
"The site is accessed of East Parade, which is a no through road, but also has a boundary with Glebe Road.
"The proposed dwelling is set away from boundaries with neighbouring dwellings, but being single storey, its impact on residential amenity will be minimal, as no overlooking or loss of light due to over shadowing will be created. Adequate parking provision and private amenity space will be provided within the site.
"Initial consultations revealed issues in relation to the location of drains and sewers across the site, but these matters have now been resolved, and an amended layout submitted to move the dwelling away from existing drains."
Brigg Town Council supported the proposal.


Brigg & Goole MP Andrew Percy has now met officials of NatWest to discuss the bank's planned closure of its branch in Brigg Market Place during June 2018.
The MP raised the concerns expressed by many local customers who are his constituents.
He says that bank bosses "were clear that the decision has been made and that the closure is final."
However, Andrew says there are four ways in which NatWest will provide "alternative provisions" for their customers in the Brigg area.
  • Natwest TechXperts will be on hand at the branch to help customers get set up and use Online and Mobile banking.
  • NatWest will provide a mobile branch in Brigg following the closure, operating once a week. Customers - personal and business -  will be able to use the mobile branch for cashing cheques, making account deposits, paying bills and other general account and product inquiries.
  • NatWest banking services will remain available at the Post Office, just a few yards away at the rear of Martin's shop on Wrawby Street, allowing customers to access a range of banking services.
  • Natwest will provide a Community Banker for Brigg, offering people assistance and advice about their personal banking. The location of the Community Banker has yet to be determined.
Mr Percy says he raised his concerns about the building "and how it may be  offered for sale."
He says it IS owned by NatWest and the bank has offered to work with the council "to look at how it is offered for sale."
Andrew stresses: "If it has to close, we want to ensure, as much as we can, that it is used in the future in a way that supports the vision we have for the town."
Brigg & Goole MP Andrew Percy who has met officials from NatWest  about future banking provision in Brigg town centre. PICTURE BY KEN HARRISON, BRIGG MATTERS MAGAZINE.


One of the  boyhood joys of Christmas past in Brigg during the late 1960s and early 1970s was settling down in front of a roaring coal fire to toast  crumpets (pikelets) on the end of a long fork and and roast chestnuts among the embers.
That was before the entire council housing stock had central heating installed by Brigg UDC.
These memories were rekindled by the following well-intentioned news release from North Lincolnshire Council, which highlights just how much things have changed since we were a lad...

Be smoke aware this winter
North Lincolnshire Council is asking residents to be neighbourly and think of others when stoking their open fire or wood burning stove this winter.
The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs has issued a practical guide that shows residents how to reduce environmental and health issues and save money.
Open fires and wood-burning stoves in particular are more popular than ever.
The guidance can be found on the DEFRA website and

It explains how you can be more fuel efficient, the importance of maintaining your open fire/stove, the law in smoke control areas and about choosing the right appliance, plus what residents can do to help reduce the harmful effects from smoke.
Cllr Rob Waltham (Brigg & Wolds), leader, North Lincolnshire Council, said: “As open fires and wood burning stoves have risen in popularity in recent years, chimneys are churning out more smoke than ever. This has a negative impact on air quality and can cause health problems such as asthma attacks and other health conditions.
“We’re not saying don’t use them, just be considerate to your neighbours. There’s lots of helpful advice on the council and DEFRA website that is there to help you. By doing simple things like burning less fuel and using smokeless fuels where possible or ready to burn fuel, you can be more fuel efficient and save money in the long run.”

Tuesday, December 26, 2017


Here's an important reminder about Christmas bin collections in Brigg tomorrow.
On Wednesday 27 December, North Lincolnshire Council says: "Please note BANK HOLIDAY CHANGE."
The council will be calling round to collect your Burgundy Plastic and Cardboard Bin and your General Waste Wheeled Bin.
Yes, your general waste wheelie bin WILL be emptied.
So don't forget to put them out on the pavement or near the end of your drive by 7am.


There's a Christmas sporting reunion coming up in Brigg tomorrow -  Tuesday, December 27.
A Briggensians team will be taking on Sir John Nelthorpe School in a football match at The Hawthorns.
Kick-off at Brigg Town's ground will be 10.30am and spectators are welcome.
Afterwards, the Old Boys will be having a beer to mark the occasion.
This is an annual festive fixture.



Many of us produce extra waste over the Christmas period – from extra bottles and cans to old batteries and boxes – and much of it can be recycled.
If you’re hosting a get together with friends and family over Christmas, you can rinse your glass bottles and drinks cans and recycle them in your green box.
If you’ve used the last of your hairspray, deodorant or shaving foam getting ready for a night out, you can recycle your empty aerosol cans in your green box too.
After opening all your gifts on Christmas morning, cardboard and most plastic packaging can be recycled in your burgundy bin. Unfortunately, wrapping paper cannot be recycled.
Used batteries from toys and games can be placed in a clear plastic bag and put on top of your green box, ready to be recycled.
Once you’ve had your Christmas dinner, empty jars, tins and clean aluminium foil can all be recycled in your green box.
When the time comes to take your decorations down, if you have a small real tree, it can be cut up and placed in your brown bin. Larger trees can be recycled at your local Household Recycling Centre.
Your Christmas cards can be recycled in your burgundy bin, providing they do not have glitter on them. If you remove the sticky and any plastic window from envelopes, these can be recycled in your blue box.
Christmas food and party food often comes with lots of extra cardboard or plastic packaging. You can recycle clean cardboard, corrugated cardboard, food and drink cartons, plastic bottles, and plastic food containers - including yogurt pots and margarine tubs – in your burgundy bin.
Please note that, unfortunately, we cannot recycle plastic bags or films, polystyrene, cardboard crisp tubes with a metal base, or black plastic food containers.
Cllr Richard Hannigan, Deputy Leader of North Lincolnshire Council, said: “As we celebrate with friends and family over the festive season, we are bound to end up creating more rubbish than usual. That doesn’t mean it all has to end up going to landfill! Lots of what we use more of at Christmas can be recycled at home.
“Before you throw something in your general waste bin this Christmas, take a second to think, can I recycle this?”
For more hints and tips on what you can recycle this Christmas, take a look at our A to Z of Christmas recycling at
Don’t forget to check your waste and recycling collection dates over Christmas to make sure you don’t miss bin day.

NF ADDS: The nearest household recycling centre to Brigg is just outside Broughton - see picture below.  Go through Castlethorpe and turn left off the Wressle road. There are recycling bins for glass, paper and cans at the Tesco store, Barnard Aveue, Brigg, and on the edge of the Old Courts Road car park.


Brigg Matters community magazine - compiled by a small team of volunteers - is seeking a new editor for the new year.
Chairman Ken Harrison, pictured above, whose pictures and thoughts often appear on Brigg Blog, has asked us to give the vacancy a mention.
Danielle Li is stepping down after a successful spell as editor during which the magazine has continued to progress, now printing 5,000 copies for distribution to households, businesses and other outlets in Brigg and surrounding communities.
To apply or request further details about the editor's post, email or see page four of the current issue - Winter 2017.



North Lincolnshire Council is offering one month FREE and no joining fee when you sign up for a membership at its leisure centres before 14 January 2018 – saving you up to £53.
If you join our committed swim or health and fitness membership packages before 14 January 2018, you won’t have to pay a joining fee and will receive a voucher for one month free.
Customers joining after 14 January 2018 will receive one month free. (All vouchers for a free month are valid after completing 12 payments).
The memberships will give you access to all the council’s leisure centres:
  • Ancholme Leisure Centre (Scawby Road, Scawby Brook - just outside Brigg)
  • Baysgarth Leisure Centre (Barton)
  • Epworth Leisure Centre
  • Riddings Pool (Scunthorpe)
  • The Pods (Scunthorpe)
The normal cost for a swim only membership is £25.50 a month plus £20 membership fee. The cost of a health and fitness membership is £33 a month plus £20 membership fee.
For more details about the different types of membership, what’s on offer at the leisure centres and timetables of fitness classes and swimming sessions, visit
Get active and start the New Year right by visiting any of our leisure centres to get your membership.
You can take advantage of this great offer from 2 January 2018. Make sure you don’t miss out.
Terms and conditions apply, speak to your local leisure centre for more details.
Cllr Carl Sherwood (Brigg & Wolds), Cabinet Member for Community Wellbeing, said: “This is a brilliant offer for those wanting to kick-start 2018 in a healthy and active way. Over the Christmas period we are all guilty of over-indulging, so why not make 2018 the year to get fit. If you take up a membership before 14 January, you could save yourself up to £53!
“Our leisure centres have a huge variety of high-tech equipment suitable for beginners and regular gym-goers. They also offer a selection of fitness classes to suit all abilities and tastes, such as yoga and BodyCombat. There are over 150 classes to choose from across the five leisure centres, so why not give it a try.
“There is the option to have a swim-only membership if you would prefer. If not the health and fitness membership gives you access to the gyms, fitness classes, swimming pools, and squash and badminton courts.
“Don’t miss out on this great offer in the New Year and save yourself some money. You can contact any of our leisure centres to find out about the memberships on offer.”

PICTURED: Coun Carl Sherwood with his cycle at Hibaldstow airfield.


Monday, December 25, 2017


View the Facebook post through this link...
A chimney fire on Christmas Eve in Brigg might not have been good news for Santa ahead of his annual visit to the town.
Thankfully, it appears to have been of a minor nature and was dealt with by fire-fighters.
Humberside Fire and Rescue Service  attended the Britannia Inn, on Wrawby Street, not long after 6pm.
Fire-fighters used a  10.5-metre ladder, a roof ladder, chimney rods, a stirrup pump and a hose reel.
The pub later posted on Facebook that it was still open despite the unexpected incident.
A picture of fire-fighters at the scene accompanied the new media post.


Free Christmas Day dinners will be served today to those pensioners who responded to a very generous invitation extended by the Britannia Inn on Wrawby Street, Brigg.
Those who booked places will not only enjoy the food but also some company on what can prove to  be a lonely time of the year for some senior citizens.
Just a reminder that everyone is welcome at the Brigg Town Football Club Boxing Day family disco party at The Hawthorns on Tuesday, December 26, from 8pm to midnight.
No membership or ticket requirements apply. Just pop along if you are interested.

CHRISTMAS SMILE: Observed  parked on Bridge Street, Brigg, by many people who visited the Yarborough Hunt, the Nelthorpe Arms and the White Hart in the run up to Christmas on Saturday night... a tree treatment company's van with the following lettering on the side: RESPECT YOUR ELDERS.


Here's an important reminder to Brigg householders about bin collections being carried out by North Lincolnshire Council.
It applies to those properties in the town that receive Tuesday collections.
This week, due to Christmas Day and Boxing Day, things have changed.
There will be NO COLLECTION tomorrow - Tuesday, December 26 - it being Boxing Day and a bank holiday.
Instead, burgundy recycling bins containing cardboard and plastic will be collected the following day, Wednesday, December 27 - useful to get rid of all that Christmas packaging.
The good news is there WILL be a full collection on Tuesday, January 2 - general waste wheelie bins, blue and green recycling boxes and textile bags.
If you need to contact the council about bin collections, email or call 01724 297000.



A Christmas Message from Chief Executive Karen Jobling

I am extremely proud to have been part of a momentous year in the life of the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance, and one that has placed our Charity firmly at the forefront of Helicopter Emergency Medical Services in the UK!
One of the most memorable moments for me was when we took delivery of our new AgustaWestland 169 helicopter in June. The arrival of this fantastic aircraft came after many months of planning and was a huge commitment for us, one which could not have been undertaken without the support of the generous people of Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire who fundraise tirelessly for us, raising the £2.5million it costs to keep the helicopter flying this year.
The benefits of the new aircraft are already evident, not least of all its speed! On some missions, our crew have watched the ground fly by at speeds of over 190mph, reducing the time it takes to get to the scene - in some cases by up to 5 minutes. As well as this, our doctors and paramedics now have 360-degree access to patients in flight allowing them to carry out life-saving interventions whilst in the air.
However, our development didn’t stop there; during September, we started to carry blood on board – another huge achievement, making us the only helicopter in the East Midlands to do so. This precious life-saving resource makes a huge difference to some of our most poorly patients.
Throughout the year I have had the pleasure of meeting some amazing former-patients and their families. I have heard stories of immense courage, of people overcoming great personal challenges and of families still together thanks to the fantastic work of the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance’s yellow Ambucopter. Many people are amazed to learn that we are a Charity and that we must raise the funds needed to keep the helicopter flying. The fact that we accomplish all of this with no direct Government or National Lottery funding makes what we do even more incredible.
Our staff and crew work tirelessly to provide a first class service in all that they do.  So far this year, 15% of the incidents that we have attended have been to children and young people under the age of 19. The biggest category of incidents remains road traffic collisions, at 38% with medical incidents, including cardiac arrests, at 37%.
I have also had the pleasure of meeting and working with many of our amazing fundraisers and volunteers throughout the year. During 2017, our army of volunteers have donated a staggering 130,000 hours of their time to supporting our Charity – without these individuals, who dedicate so much time and effort, we could not continue to invest in the way that we have this year. I offer my heartfelt thanks to each and every one of our wonderful volunteers, along with the individuals, organisations and business who continue to support us in many different ways.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a peaceful Christmas and a prosperous New Year and we look forward to your support in 2018 which is set to be another great one for us here at the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance.

Chief Executive Karen Jobling
Flashback to May when local man Trevor Cherry received this £1,680 cheque on behalf of the Air Ambulance from Brigg Town Mayor Coun Ann Eardley's Appeal Fund.  The presentation was made in the Angel Suite.
Brigg Blog adds...

Fundraising is undertaken in Brigg and district to help pay for the operation and upkeep of the Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance which can be sent to our part of the county to assist those in need.
Brigg Blog has carried stories in the past about local fundraising for this worthy cause.
There are so many ways to help the Air Ambulance, or Ambucopter, save lives.
Together we can keep this vital lifesaving service operating for many years to come.
Go to
The Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance is  NOT government funded and relies on the support of local communities to raise the £2.5million  needed this year to keep the helicopter flying, saving lives and improving outcomes for patients 365 days a year - Christmas Day included!

Follow @LNAACT on Twitter 



The clock on top of the Buttercross in Brigg town centre now having ticked past midnight, it's  Christmas Day 2017 and time for Brigg Blog to wish all our  valued followers across the world a very merry Christmas, and also all those who have contributed news and views during the past 12 months.

While the majority of us will be enjoying a work-free Christmas Day, let's spare a thought for those in essential services - fire, police and ambulance - who are on duty and ready to answer calls for service from the community. Plus those working in care homes and our local hospital, tending to the needy and infirm.
Some Brigg ex-pats, like Cliff Turner in New Zealand and our old Brigg Town Cricket Club colleague Simon Church in Australia, now live thousands of miles from our historic market town.
Whether you are based in Brigg, the surrounding area, elsewhere in the UK or further afield, the message is the same: 

Have a good one!
Below is a Christmas Greetings message received by email from former Brigg councillor, the Rev Alec Depledge, and his wife Sue,  which we share with our followers on Christmas Day. Click on the image for a closer view.

Sunday, December 24, 2017


Brigg Town Football Club remain at the foot of the Toolstation Northern Counties East First Division, despite taking a point from their Christmas fixture yesterday (Saturday, December 23).
The Zebras drew 2-2 with seventh-placed Campion at The Hawthorns before a crowd of 104.
Jonny Nicholls  and Ryan Thompson scored for Brigg, who were left to rue a missed penalty.
Retford Town - the team immediately above Brigg in the table - lost 3-0.
So Brigg closed the gap and also have a much better goal difference than Retford.
The Zebras' next game is a return match at Bradford-area Campion this Saturday (December 30).
In the  EC Surfacing Ltd Scunthorpe & District Football League, there were no fixtures yesterday for Briggensians, Barnetby United or Barnetby Reserves.
Nor do any of them have games coming up on the 30th.


The monthly level of crime in Brigg has increased again.
Latest statistics issued through reveal that 63 crimes were reported in November 2017 - four more than during October.
The area covered is within a one-mile radius of Brigg town centre, which includes neighbouring parts of Scawby and Broughton parishes.
The categories are as follows:

  • Anti-social behaviour 9
  • Bicycle theft     1
  • Burglary 5
  • Criminal damage and arson 5
  • Drugs    0
  • Other crime     1
  • Other theft 4
  • Possession of weapons     0
  • Public order     5
  • Robbery    0
  • Shoplifting 11
  • Theft from the person 1
  • Vehicle crime 1
  • Violence and sexual offences 20
As usual, the majority of crimes reported (21)  took place within the town centre.
There were nine others on the Springbank housing estate and six in the Newlands area.
Five crimes were reported on the Water's Edge estate, which is in Broughton parish.
View the map giving the locations of all crimes through this link...

By way of comparison, there were only 36 crimes in Brigg during November 2016 and 34 reported in November 2015.
Brigg Blog was pleasantly surprised to receive November's crime figures a couple of weeks earlier than expected.
This is perhaps related to Christmas and New Year being on the horizon.
But the obvious question is: If they can be placed in the public domain on the 20th of the month this time, why can't we get them that early every month?

If we happen to meet Humberside Police and Crime Commissioner Keith Hunter and/or Chief Constable Lee Freeman in the new year we will be putting that question to them.
However, we think the statistics are collated and posted centrally, rather than at local level.



As 2017 draws to a close, I have an opportunity to reflect on the past seven months since becoming Mayor. 
I have been privileged to meet so many people and overwhelmed by the numbers of hard working and dedicated volunteers who give their time freely to a wide range of voluntary groups and activities.
Working in a school as I do, I always look forward to the Christmas concerts our young people and school staff produce.  Christmas is a special time for our children and families; however, we should also remember those who work hard to keep us all safe and well throughout the festive period.  

For my part, I will continue to work hard to represent the town and I look forward to catching up with many residents throughout this time.
We extend our warmest wishes to everyone in Brigg and the surrounding area this Christmas and wish you all a prosperous New Year.

Find out more about Brigg Town Council through this link...

Brigg Blog's picture shows Sharon and Martin at the Mayor-making ceremony earlier this year.


Those Brigg residents who receive unexpected gifts from family and friends tomorrow, Christmas Day, worry not - help is at hand.
Opening specially on December 25, from noon through to 3pm, will be the Bargain Booze off-licence, at 10 Spring's Parade, selling bottled wine, beers, spirits and chocolates, among other items.
So there's time to pop down and get something for someone you've overlooked on your Christmas gift list!

Saturday, December 23, 2017


Brigg  licensed premises will be rocking in the run up to Christmas.
There's FREE live music to enjoy at different venues on successive evenings - and an open invitation to drop in.
Tonight (Friday, December 23) guitarist and vocalist Eddie Francis will be performing at the Lord Nelson, from 9pm.
He plays popular songs from the 1960s through to the 2000s.
Across the Market Place at the Woolpack on  Saturday, December 23 there will be live music by The Rizlas,  pictured above, a fantastic 60s/70s covers band, from 8.30pm.
Everyone will be welcome at the Brigg Town Football Club Boxing Day family disco at The Hawthorns on Tuesday, December 26, from 8pm to midnight


Clare Smith has celebrated 10 years in business as a florist in Brigg.
Town Mayor Coun Sharon Riggall told Brigg Blog some time ago that Clare was about to reach this milestone and then invited us along to take  pictures as she congratulated the proprietor of the Hidden Garden, in the town centre.

Brigg Blog offers its own congratulations to Clare, who had a shop on College Yard before moving to her present base in Chapel Court.  
Brigg Matters Magazine was  in attendance, so readers of this journal can expect to see more pictures in its next issue.
We  also expect an illustrated report in next week's Scunthorpe Telegraph (on sale from Thursday, December 28).



Here are the Christmas 2017 and new year opening days and times for the ever-popular Brigg Garden Centre - located off Bigby High Road on the outskirts of the town, DN20 9HE  - for the benefit of local shoppers planning to make a visit or two.

Christmas Eve - Sunday, December 24: 10am to 4pm.
Christmas Day - Monday, December 25: Closed.
Boxing Day - Tuesday, December 26: Closed.
Wednesday, December 27: 10am to 4.30pm.
Thursday, December 28: 10am to 4.30pm.
Friday, December 29: 10am to 4.30pm.
Saturday, December 30: 10am to 4.30pm.
New Year's Eve - Sunday, December 31: 10am to 4pm.
New Year's Day - Monday, January 1, 2018: Closed.
Tuesday, January 2: 9am to 5pm.
Wednesday, January 3: 9am to 5pm.
Thursday, January 4: 9am to 5pm.
Friday, January 5: 9am to 5pm.

Find out what's on offer at the Garden Centre through this link...