These suggest earmarking land behind Westrum Lane, Northern Avenue and Sunningdale Avenue - as far as the M180 and Grammar School Road - and also land on Wrawby Road, adjacent to the Recreation Ground, opposite the current entrance to Churchill Avenue and going back from the A18 as far as Horstead Avenue. (Our picture shows part of this area).
Both these sites are currently open fields but are included in the latest Local Development Framework (LDF) consultation.
The site behind Western Avenue, as far as the M180, could provided land for more than 200 new homes of various types; the land alongside the A18, off Wrawby Road, could provide 300 to 400, depending of how much agricultural land might be earmarked for building.
The contents of the November Housing and Employment Land Allocations Development Plan Document Submissions Draft will no result in much discussion and public debate when consultations are invited by North Lincolnshire Council, in line with the process carried out initially in 2009.
This will be the final opportunity for members of the public, town and parish councils, elected members and other key stakeholders to have their say on the future planning strategy for the area.
A quick search today of the North Lincolnshire Council website provided the following helpful information from the full council meeting held last month (October), outlining what this all means and how things are progressing. We've highlighted some of the most important parts:
The Head of Strategic Regeneration, Housing and Development submitted a report informing members about the Housing and Employment Land Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD) - Publication Stage and subsequent submissions to the Secretary of State.
The Housing and Employment Land Allocations DPD is one of the key documents which make up the Local Development Framework (LDF) and when finally adopted would address where new housing and employment development would take place over the next 15 years.
It also included settlement development limits and town and district centre boundaries. The Housing and Employment Land Allocations DPD must comply with the LDF core strategy's approach to settlement growth in identifying specific sites where new homes and employment sites should be built. The core strategy DPD was formally submitted to the government on 31 August 2010 with the independent examination expected to commence during January 2011.
Within the core strategy: submission draft it is established that North Lincolnshire will need to provide 12,063 new dwellings up to 2026 with the majority of them focused on the Scunthorpe Urban area, and the market towns of Barton upon Humber, Brigg, Crowle, Kirton in Lindsey and Winterton. Many of these dwellings would be made up from existing planning permissions or sites under construction, whilst around 8,581 would be new dwellings.
Future employment development within the core strategy: submission draft would be located in four key areas - Scunthorpe, the South Humber Bank, Humberside Airport, Sandtoft and the market towns, particularly Barton upon Humber and Brigg.
The Housing and Employment Land Allocations DPD: submission draft therefore allocates sufficient housing and employment land to meet the specific settlement and locational requirements of the core strategy: submission draft as outlined above.
The publication stage represents the final opportunity for members of the public, town and parish councils, elected members and other key stakeholders to have their say on the future planning strategy for the area and it should be noted that this stage differs from previous consultation exercises.
At this stage, those making representations on the DPD need to do so in relation to its "soundness". Soundness is defined as being why the DPD is justified, effective and consistent with national policy. There is a period for representations of a DPD's soundness to be made which will begin in early November 2010. Following the end of the representation period, the DPD together with any supporting information and the representations received during this time period will be submitted to the Secretary of State for independent examination.
This examination normally takes place around five or six months after the submission date and will allow an independent planning inspector to discuss key issues arising from the DPD with key parties including the council.
Following the examination, the inspector will prepare a report, the recommendations of which are binding on the council. These must be taken on board before the DPD is adopted.
Going back a little further in the process, and previously reported on Brigg Blog at the time, here's a boiled down version, in the public domain on North Lincolnshire Council's website, following the initial public consultation.
It's a fair bet that in the next few weeks/months similar feedback will be given to the planning authority, as folk are hardly likely to have had a major change of heart. But we shall see...
In Brigg, a total of eight sites were included in the Pre-Submission Consultation - Second Stage document as potential options for future housing development. These were as follows:
Site 10-1: Western Avenue covering 7.11ha on the northern edge of Brigg between the Springbank Estate to the south and the M180 to the north with the Grammar School Road to the west. The estimated capacity of this site is 284 dwellings (based on a density of 40 dwellings per hectare). This site is greenfield and is currently in agricultural use. It is also located within the development limit for Brigg and is allocated for residential use in the adopted North Lincolnshire Local Plan (May 2003) (site ref. H2-29).
Site 10-2: Wrawby Road covering 4.29ha on the eastern edge of Brigg between Wrawby Road to the south and Brigg Recreation Ground to the west, with the Springbank Estate to the north and open countryside to the east. The estimated capacity of this site is 172 dwellings (based on a density of 40 dwellings per hectare). This site is greenfield and is currently in agricultural use. It is located outside the development limit for Brigg as defined in the adopted North Lincolnshire Local Plan (May 2003).
NF adds: There's a difference between the number of houses being suggested for the sites now (November) and the totals suggested initially.
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