Sunday, November 14, 2010


Many thanks to "Zendonian" for these pictures taken early today at the special 1940s-style lunch at the Angel Suite, Brigg.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

Being really pedantic, the flags are wrong. Too many stars on the USA flags.
In the 1940's the USA had 48 states - Alaska and Hawaiin Islands didn't join the Union until 1959.
Capt Cooke bumped into the Hawaiin Islands, but he then called them the Jam-Butty - sorry, the Sandwich Islands.....even the Hawaiin State flag contains a Union Flag.
On Dec 7th, 1941, the Japs bombed a USA base, Pearl Harbour, in the then independent island country.
An ex-governor of Alaska, Sarah Palin, a Creationist and denier of Global Warming once said that the the ice-caps remained solid....then after new oil reserves were discovered, said, something like, 'It's good that the glaciers are melting as it will make the work easier.'
As a main leader in the political Tea Party (named after the historic Boston Tea Party), a right-wing political group advocating a 'no-tax' USA economy.