Tuesday, April 27, 2021


Most of this month has been dry in Brigg - and that's not a reference to the fact that our pubs were under enforced lockdown until quite recently!
The lack of those usually heavy April showers and more prolonged periods of rain will be concerning for farmers, domestic gardeners and probably the town's allotment holders who rent their plots off Grammar School Road and Atherton Way/Redcombe Lane from the Town Council with a view to growing fruit & veg for the table.
However, the dry weather has been welcome for walkers and dog exercisers - making paths that are sometimes muddy at this time of year a real joy to use.
The picture above shows cracked earth on the popular public footpath which leads from Churchill Avenue over the fields to Wrawby. A field containing cereals is to the right.
There's a farmers' irrigation reservoir and historic St Helen's Well near to this public right of way - the latter been used to provide Brigg with its first safe supplies of drinking water in the mid-19th century.
Thankfully today there will still be plenty of water deep down below ground level.
The last time we experienced a 'proper' drought was in 1976, but that was in the summer.