Tuesday, April 06, 2021


With so-called 'non-essential' shops in Brigg town centre being permitted to reopen from April 12 after lockdown, there will be more people about in the pedestrian area. 

So now seems a suitable time to call on the authorities to enforce the 'cyclists dismount' restrictions which apply to the paved area and also to consider additional 'red warning' signage.
There are 'cyclists dismount' signs at entrances to the pedestrian area on the County Bridge, Cary Lane, Bigby Street and Wrawby Street (example pictured top left).
But many riders fail to comply and some can be observed travelling at speeds which pose a potential risk to shoppers.
Unlike Brigg, Scunthorpe's pedestrianised town centre also has many other signs displayed on poles as a warning to riders (examples being pictured here - above right).
During two recent visits we made to the steel town's shopping precinct, not a single cyclist was observed ignoring these circular red warnings.
It might be argued that such signs would add clutter to Brigg's conservation area, but is their introduction worth considering as a measure to improve the safety of the shopping public?
Greater enforcement of the current regulations would, of course, deter offenders once word got round on social media about fines being issued. But is this is a matter for council wardens, the police (or both)?
Some people may not consider this to be a major problem and think the authorities have better things to do, but it has existed ever since the pedestrian area was introduced during the Humberside County Council highway authority era in the mid-1990s!
In other towns, including Grimsby, action IS taken to deal with cyclists who fail to dismount in pedestrian-only zones.