Wednesday, August 03, 2016


Walking along a housing estate street in Brigg this morning we spied a large sunflower near a  garden fence, which set us thinking about The Silly Season.
This was defined for us decades ago by a senior colleague as the time between late July and early September when local councils took a break from meetings, Parliament was in recess and schools were having their summer holidays.
That left newspapers without some main sources of news. So things that would not merit a mention at other times of the year suddenly made their way into print, including large sunflowers, odd-shaped vegetables and all sorts of unusual creepie-crawlies spotted in gardens by Joe Public.
The downside to printing biggest sunflower stories was possible attacks on them later by vandals alerted to their existence. And that's the reason we didn't stop to take a picture earlier today.


Unknown said...

We've been in Silly Season since Brexit, Nige.
This has been superimposed by Trauma Season....every day seems to carry more bad news..then we have Donald Trump ....really bad trouble..

Unknown said...

We've been in Silly Season since Brexit, Nige.
This has been superimposed by Trauma Season....every day seems to carry more bad news..then we have Donald Trump ....really bad trouble..