Saturday, August 13, 2016


There are no football ground-style turnstiles in place to count the number of people using the Clothes Hedge public foopath in Brigg.
But we are going to suggest this is the prime time of year for the path linking Yarborough Road with Churchill Avenue and the over-the-fields route to Wrawby.
Clothes Hedge path is maintained to a good standard by North Lincolnshire Council, whose many responsibilities include highways and byways, though obviously the growing season means there will always be encroachment by weeds and bushes during August.
Perhaps a trimmer with a strimmer will be assigned to pay a visit.
The Clothes Hedge path is used by dog walkers from the nearby housing estate and is also visited by boot-wearing ramblers - in ones and twos or even organised groups from time to time.
Our picture was taken at the St Helen's Road/Yarborough Road entrance to the narrow path.

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