Tuesday, December 30, 2014


There's bound to be a jolly New Year's Eve in Brigg as people get ready to welcome 2015 and say a sad (or fond) farewell to 2014. Many of us will visit town centre pubs and bars. Nothing changes there, then!
A particularly memorable New Year's Eve came on December 31, 1999 - the end of the millennium and the onset of another. We took some memorable pictures of folk having a good time in various hostelries, including one or two showing Andy Longden and Lee Johnson in fancy dress, as Roman soldiers.
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, lend me your beers?
It's to be hoped tonight proves trouble-free and that if the paths are slippery underfoot, it due to frost and not other things.


Ken Harrison said...

Some classical scholars will argue that the end of the C20th was December 31, 2000...
For example, if we accept that the 1st January is the first day of the year....and the 31st December is the last day - ie the completed year - then logically the 31st December, 1999 represents 1999 completed years from the academic start date - also accepting that hypothetically we do not have a year ZERO.
2 X 1000 years, therefore would be completed on the last day of 2000.....and the 3rd Millennium would start on 1st January, 2001.
To put it simply, if one put a group of numbered beads in groups of 10 - then beads 1 to 10 would go in the first group, then 11 to 20 in the second group; 21 to 30 in the 3rd group and etc...
In the same manner, the first decade of the calendar would be from Year 1 to 10, and subsequently, the 1960's perhaps should be from 1961 to 1970....and the '90's = 1991 to 2000.
Basically, if we accepted 31st December, 1999 as the end of the 2nd Millennium then mathematically, we would had one millennium of a 1000 years with the other millennium of only 999 years....

Ken Harrison said...

Friends, Briggansians, countrymen, lend me your ears;
I come to buy beers, not to praise Jim.
The evil that men do is caught on the cctv;
The good is oft text on their phones;
So let it be with cider - The noble brut is....