Sunday, December 14, 2014


The recent Brigg Blog post about cycles being ridden through our town centre's pedestrian area - sometimes at speed - brought an informed and interesting observation from a supporter of two-wheeled transport.
He tells us that when the North Lincolnshire Cycle Forum was in being,  so-called lay members  (non-employees of the council and  invited cyclists) proposed a route through Brigg joining up the  Bridge Street cycle lanes (painted lines)  with the off-road lane to Wrawby.
Our informant says: "The highway engineer did think it possible to cycle through the Market Place -  outside what he called Core Time, when shops were not open."
The friendly cyclist has forwarded the above picture taken in Chichester, where the local authority allows this  to happen.
He adds that it was impossible to get any similar action taken in Brigg. The Cycle Forum no longer meets, but  could it be re-formed? And, if so, could the compromise suggested here be considered?
While we are on the topic of cycling in Brigg, it's been suggested that when the inner bypass bridge on Ancholme Way was built, its construction was helped by a European Union subsidy. "This would have stipulated  cycle lane provision," we are told.


Ken Harrison said...'s not just cycling...many pedestrian zones in other time allow vehicular access, particularly delivery vehicles during designated permitted hours.

Call me a meany, but I don't automatically agree in allowing Blue Bade holders free access to Brigg's so-called pedestrian area. They have designated car-parking bays, which, under, ordinary circumstances, should be sufficient. Some zones in other town even have raising bollards, and Blue Badge holder, or not, all vehicles are prohibited during set times.

And I can't understand why NLC has not reacted to prevent HGV delivery trucks trundling along the high street shopping area during busy times of the day.....other town's would not tolerate such circumstances....
Therefore, can we stop pussy-footing around and establish a enforcible vehicular access policy for the pedestrian zone.

Ken Harrison said...

Re the so-called 'by-pass' indicated, the road/bridge was funded by the EU.
Humberside Council had requested an 'Enterprise' road to encourage industrial/commercial development along the newly constructed Atherton Way.
Local funding extended the scheme as a 'by-pass' - but EU funding was granted with an 'enterprise' aim.
I have always been a bit suspicious that when the the 'by-pass' for the A18 was finished and pedestrianisation started, so-called economic legal short-cut were made and that, for example, the old A18 route thro' the town centre, was never officially downgraded, or the re-routing of the A18 was officially approved by the Ministry of Transport - hence the confusion and the enduring convoluted debates officials and public have about Wrawby St status.
It's a bit like the kerfuffle about the 'Turn Left' sign opposite the Tesco exit.
There were years of debate that some motorists were turning right.....but there seemed to lots of hot air, but little enforcement and few motorists were ever prosecuted.
Then a member of the public indicated that it was an unenforceable 'unofficial' sign - which has now been corrected by our local NLC members.
Methinks in times past that the authority, to save time, paper-work and expense, has short-cut the legal system and that around Brigg there are still unofficial signs, which if it came to the crunch, are there for show only and are legally unenforceable.
And then you get over-confused signs -ie the 'The NO CYCLING IN MARKET PLACE' - which are situated either end of the pedestrian zone.....which implies that its OK to cycle down Wrawby St (as there is no specific mention of the road) - but most folks believe cycling is banned in the whole of the pedestrian zone.....and occasionally, the local police are encourage to stop people, with a friendly word of advice, cycling past Pickerings.