This disused Brigg property between Cary Lane, Wilkinson's store and the Old Courts Road car park - previously dubbed This Ole House by Brigg Blog - is facing demolition by owners North Lincolnshire Council. And although voicing no objections to that course of action, long-serving Brigg Town Councillor Ann Eardley became a shade nostalgic about its likely passing during last night's meeting in the Angel Suite (Wed March 13).
She told Brigg Town Council's Planning and Environment Committee that the house had once adjoined what everyone knew as Eddie's Orchard.
During a break in proceedings, she then reminded Brigg Blog that this part of town, off Cary Lane, had been well known for an abundance of trees - ripe with apples, pears and plums during the harvest season.
From the late 1960s, through the '70s and into the '80s, redevelopment took place in this part of town, including the bus station, the new police station, the building of the two-storey Urban District Council offices, the creation of the main Old Courts Road car park and the erection of what was to become Kwik Save's store. In addition, the old wooden bowls green pavilion was moved down to the Recreation Ground, off Wrawby Road, and used for changing accommodation.
However, through these many changes This Ole House stood its ground. During the era of Glanford Borough Council (which ruled us from 1974-96) it was occupied by office staff. Latterly, North Lincolnshire Council used it for storage. However, although the days of the so-called Paperless Office are still some way in the distance, more and more administration is now computerised. So the "former dwelling" is very much surplus to requirements.
It is not a building of architectural merit; indeed, some might feel it's become a bit of an eyesore. But there will be Brigg Blog followers the wrong side of 60 reading this who will be recalling the taste of
"forbidden fruit" fresh from the tree.
Come on, hands up if you went 'scrumping' for apples and pears!
North Lincolnshire Council, as a unitary authority, has now lodged a planning application with itself.
This is for prior notification of the proposed demolition of a former dwelling house, off Cary Lane. The public can comment up to March 28, if they wish - after which a decision should not be long arriving in someone's in-tray. Indeed, one council document we've seen suggests April 4 as a possible date for demolition.
North Lincs says the building has been boarded up for about 10 years and used, until recently, for the storage of files and equipment.
Brigg Town Council last night decided not to raise any objections. We doubt very much whether any will be forthcoming from the general public.

brigg people
Guilty as charged , my route to the 'Brigg Supermarket ' ie. Jacksons which is now Poundstretcher , was through the orchard to Wrawby Street . As I remember there was little deterent in the form of a fence but the time of year decided whether we went for plums , apples or pears . All of which were a feast to hungry young kids . I cannot recall ever being caught or chased off . I don't know who owned the orchard , presumably it was Eddie but they provided us with some good memories . Happy days.
If the building is just to be demolished and then's a pity that the building couldn't be donated to a deserving group - ie Senior Citizens, 3B's Project, or such like, with the caveat that the building is refurbished and operated as a community resource.
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