Tuesday, May 12, 2020


North Lincolnshire Council has given permission for kennels near Brigg to be extended.
Planning permission has been granted to erect 12 additional kennels at the well-established Sangreat facility on Scawby Road, Scawby Brook.
These kennels are located near the former Brigg Sugar Factory approach road.
The unitary council is now considering the following applications - decisions to be announced:
WRAWBY: Erect first floor side extension and porch - Sherwood House, Barton Road.
BARNETBY: Erect single-storey annexe and first floor extension to garage - Holmedale, 44 St Barnabas Road.
BROUGHTON: Erect detached garage and store building - 44 Brooklands Avenue.
HOWSHAM: Erect single-storey side extension - Pepperdale House Farm, access road from Cotswold Farm to Pepperdale Covert.
West Lindsey District Council is now considering the following applications - decisions yet to be taken:
SOUTH KELSEY: Extensions and alterations - Beckside Lodge, Caistor Road.
BIGBY: Extension to annexe accommodation - The Old Rectory, Main Street.
GRASBY: Extension to form annexe accommodation - 4 Church Hill.