Having walked across town in warm weather for the opening of Brigg Bike Night and then played cricket for the Briggensians at Sir John Nelthorpe School, we worked up a thirst last Friday evening and dropped in at Wetherspoon's White Horse pub on the opening day of the Cider Festival.
Among the stronger ones, we recommend Gwatkin Cider's Yarlington Mill and Perry's Somerset Redstreak.
Both very tasty and really hit the spot after an hour's fielding!
If you want something with less of a kick despite what the name might suggest, try the refreshing Kung Fu Cider, from Sandford Orchards.
The 17-day festival continues at the White Horse up to and including Sunday, July 23.
■ The frontage of the hostelry - pictured here - is looking good with its floral displays.