North Lincolnshire Council is starting new swimming lessons for children aged between four months and three years-old at Ancholme Leisure Centre near Brigg.
Is your child in this age range? Would you like them to learn how to swim? Make sure you get booked on the Swimlincs Minis lessons.
The lessons start on 10 July for 10 weeks at Ancholme Leisure Centre.
The swimming lessons are for provided for parents with babies between the ages of four months to 17 months and parents with tots between the ages of 18 months and three years old.
Lessons will take place in the teaching pool and include activities such as; submersion, floating, propulsion, songs, rhymes, games and basic swimming techniques.
Swimlincs Minis takes place on a Wednesday between 1pm and 3pm and Thursday between 11.30am and 1.30pm. Each lesson is 30 minutes long with an instructor and costs £39 for 10 weeks.
If you are interested, please send the following details to
Child’s name Date of birth Any medical conditions Address Contact telephone number Preferred day of lessons
Cllr Carl Sherwood, from Brigg, cabinet member for Community Wellbeing, said: “Swimlincs Minis at Ancholme Leisure Centre in Brigg is a great opportunity to introduce your babies and tots to the water whilst they’re young.
“We are committed to providing these services for you and your children, to give them the opportunity to start learning important life skills at an early age.”
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