Wednesday, March 31, 2010


East Park - the area around the Tin Tabernacle, near the Monument - has been the subject of council investment in recent years. And that has gone down well with a number of residents, including Town Footpath Warden Tony Parker, who told the Annual Town Public Meeting how much improved that area was, with its grass and flowerbeds looking attractive.

1 comment:

Ken Harrison said...

I recall sitting in the lounge bar Queens in the mid 1980's when Gayle and her mum use to run the pub.
Two rather elderly sisters often can in and would sit sipping a tipple for hours.
They use to talk about toppling bars in the vicinity of the Tabernacle and how they enjoyed toppling..and tucking their dresses into their knickers.
Initially, I thought they were talking about some strange keep-fit class for the wasn't until some time later that I realised they were talking about their childhood days when the area was a kiddies' play area.
I think one of the old dears has passed on to the big toppling bar in the sky; the other I still see about Wrawby St