Brigg Town Council is to continue paying to have our Cary Lane public conveniences opened up on Sundays and bank holidays for the comfort of townsfolk and visitors who may be caught short.
This will involve paying North Lincolnshire Council, which owns and manages the toilet block, £633.36 to cover their opening, locking and cleaning between next month and March 2011.
The North Lincolnshire authority has consistently declined to open the conveniences at its own expense on Sundays and bank holidays,and they would stay closed unless the smaller Brigg authority stepped in to fund it.
Other special "service level agreements" with North Lincolnshire Council will see Brigg paying £92.24 for "low amenity grass cutting" to keep parts of the town tidy, and £3,146.79 for additional (bulb) planting and the watering of hanging baskets.
We hope to bring you a list of bulb planting locations and more on the hanging baskets in due course as spring approaches.
Could we also have a list of low amenitys ? particularly the ones that are grassed. With an annual budget of £92.24 it may be a very SHORT list .
The low amenitys may be in the vacinity of the bus timetable in Carey Lane that was placed 6" above the pavement for the benefit of horizontal readers.
At this juncture, it may be convenient to compare the cost of the 24/7 public loos in Sunny Scunny.
Who pays for the additonal opening times?
I assume that it would be paid from the Scunthorpe precept allocation.
If I don't get an answer, I'm am going to create a stink!!!
It is important that the cost of loos are not a drain on public investment!
I'm certain that it would be a great relief to Nige if you could deposit your comment on this blog...it doesn't have to be long, a wee one will do!
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