Spokesman Andrew Kilby recently formed his own team of ghost investigators - G.R.U.B (Ghosthunters R Us, Brigg).
He told Brigg Blog: “So far we have carried out just the three investigations - one of those being at the Brocklesby Ox pub in Brigg in which we got some great results, including a photograph of what appears to be the apparition of someone who used to be a local at the pub.
“We investigated the Brocklesby Ox on 17/02/10. Before this photo was taken our medium had already acknowledged that there was an extremely large man called Ted pacing up and down the corridor on the third floor.
“For some reason he (Ted) would not enter the room we were in so therefore hung about in the corridor. At one point our Medium felt him standing by the doorway and tried to encourage him to come in. It was at that point the photo was taken. There was no lighting in the corridor and no light could get in from the outside as all the blinds were down, plus there were no torches on at that time.
“So as you can see from the photo we may have caught what appears to be a second stage manifestation.
NF adds: We have reproduced the picture above just as it was emailed to us by Andrew Kilbee. It has not been enhanced, resized or altered in any way.
We hope to add some video footage of ghostly goings-on in the near future.
Can't be Ken Harrison,he's too busy haunting the comments pages on this blog !!!
TT Fan
You wouldn't find me in a pub with no beer anyway!
Seriously, tho' if this image is meant to be a ghost, Ted must have been very tall!
The doorway would be about 6'6" high and the outline doesn't even show the top of his head.
Using the horizontal width as a scale of about about 2'6"/2'7" (standard internal door width), Ted's portly tummy is about 4'6"/5' from the top of the opening. That would mean that his legs would be only 18" to 2' long! (Add estimates to get 6'6") and a low-down bum!!
Perhaps it's Humpty Dumpty! Or are Ted's feet below floor level?? - but that would make him, at least, 7'6" tall.
Perhaps poor old Ted can't move from the room as his legs are trapped in concrete!!
Before a manifestation is fully complete (how it actually used to look) it can be any height,size or shape it wants to be.
As an ex regular at the Ox from the 1970s to the 1990s it reminds me of this,
Lolol theres a striking resemblence Ive gotta admit that Jim
We're now getting ghost writers!!!
Heya Ken,we're hoping to be carrying out another investigation at the Brocklesby Ox very soon,would you be interested in joining us as our guest for the night? we'd like the oppotunity to prove that we say we are who we say we are and we say what we say we see,we'd welcome you as a sceptic.
Mmmmmmmm no more comments from KH then?
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