Some reservations have been expressed over North Lincolnshire Council's ambtitious plans to expand what's already on the youth Centre site adjoining Wesley Road, Grammar School Road and Colton Street.
One part of the council is now asking another for planning permission to erect a sure start nursery, including the demolition of two outbuildings and the refurbishment of the main Youth Centre building.
Brigg Town Council - consulted as part of the planning process - is happy enough with the development itself but is concerned about the small provision included in the scheme for car parking. Town councillors fear this might add to the congestion already experienced on roads in this area.
North Lincolnshire's proposal is to extend existing Brigg Youth Centre facilities to provide additional health/meeting space, an office, multi-purpose room, welfare facilities and storage space to make the existing base multi-functioning.
Additional car parking provision (two spaces, plus one disabled space) and small outdoor area will also be provided. The extension to the base is to be a separate building, with a small courtyard area inbetween the proposed and existing buildings.
As a part of the upgrade the existing building will have its ladies, gents and disabled toilets refurbished, and a small office extended.
The application says: "The design is simple and traditional with a design to compliment its surroundings. There is to be a pitched roof with clay coloured tiles, with solar panels obscured from public view. The building is to be built from antique bricks to enhance the traditional look of the building. Windows are to be brown stained sliding sash to reinforce the historic market town feel of the building."
However, members of Brigg Town Council's planning and environment committee expressed reservations when they considered the scheme at a meeting in the Angel Suite.
Coun Ann Eardley said the small amount of on-site car parking could impact on local roads, notably Colton Street, which she desribed as a 'rat run'.
Deputy Town Mayor Coun Ben Nobbs added: "There does not seem to be anywhere near enough parking. Just two car parking spaces is completely inadequate. Surely car parking is absolutely essential."
Coun Tom Glossop said North Lincolnshire Council owned adjoining land which, he suggested, could be utilised for extra car parking.
Coun Jackie Brock summed up the feeling of the meeting by saying of the scheme: "Fine in principal - but not enough parking."

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