Pc Proud said when she came here last June the number of vehicles in the zone had been "a bit of a bugbear to the people in Brigg." Steps had been introduced to deal with it, verbal warnings being given to some drivers and fixed penalty tickets issued to others.
"I hope you have noticed a difference because I know I have," she added.
Pc Proud went on to outline the effectiveness of the town centre Dispersal Order in dealing with problem youths.
Coun Ann Eardley raised the threat to road safety caused by parents double-parking near Brigg Primary School. Pc Proud said she had been to look at the situation in Europa Way and had seen some "shabby driving" in that area of the town. She pointed out to errant motorists that action could be taken in the form of fixed penalties. "It will be a very expensive trip to school," she warned, saying she would make more frequent visits if problems persisted. Pc Proud also revealed a survey carried out at the school suggested road safety was a concern to many pupils.
Coun Jackie Brock complained about motorists ignoring pelican crossing red lights on Barnard Avenue, and asked police to monitor the situation.
NF adds on drivers abusing the pedestrian zone: This is a topic Brigg Blog has raised many times in the past, so it's good to hear it's been addressed.
Have the local police taken to wearing headlamps? Where does the rear lamp go?
The Pelican Xing should be replaced by a Toucan Crossing......it's like a Pelican, but it has brains!
The Pelican responds one the button is pressed and goes thro' its desired sequence.
The Toucan has a computerised proximity sensor and if the persons wander off, or find the chance to cross the road early, then the sequence stops and obviosly avoids the 'ghost' sequence of unnecessarily stopping traffic to allow Mr Nobody to cross.
As for the the lights at the Barnard/Old Courts junction - I do appreciate that they are to be computerised to optimise traffic flows......but serious consideration must be given altering the priority sequence.
For exzample, on most 'green-filter' lights the green filter arrow is secondary to the main forward flow green. In other words, the forward green appears, then sometime later, the right filter arrow comes on and allows priority to turn right.
At the juction, the right-turn filter arrow comes on first and gives priority to, normally, the very fdew, if any vehciles, turning right. Often this sequence goes thro' a 'ghost' sequence, while those drivers waiting to go forward have to wait.
Would it not make sense to give priority to the bulk of the traffic wanting top go striaght ahead, bringing in the right-turn filter arrow some time later?
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