Oasis Dental Care in Brigg is going to be re-branded over the next few months.
Oasis was bought out earlier this year by BUPA.
As such we will be called Bupa Dental Care and will receive our new signage etc within the next few months.
We just wanted to let your readers know that this will not affect our patients at all.
we remain a mixed NHS and Private practice but with the benefit of having BUPA experience and care at our helm.
We also want to let your readers know there have been a couple of dental practices locally (Ashby and Barton) who are no longer accepting NHS patients.
Oasis/Bupa Dental care in Brigg are still able to register all children on the NHS as new patients.
If you do want to register, please call in and collect a registration form and let us have it back and we can arrange for a new patient registration for your child (18 years and under).
For adults the only way we have of registering you is on our Basics scheme (soon to be renamed, but basically a budget private scheme).
This costs £30 for a check up, including x-rays where needed.
If you need work doing, the dentist will provide you with a written costing for the work, but all of the prices are on the Oasis website.
Once you are on our registration list, however, you can be converted to NHS as soon as a place becomes available.
Our number is 01652652070, our email is and the website is