Wrawby Street tubs: Dwarf wallflowers, Mixed viola, Mixed pansies, Ivy, Cordyline.
Methodist Church, Barnard Avenue/Wesley Road: Cordyline, Wallflowers, Pansies (large tubs), Violas (small tubs).
Top of Albert Street: Wallflowers, Primula, Miniature daffodils.
Women's Institute bed: Wallflowers, Primulas, Miniature daffodils.
Hewson House: Primulas, Miniature daffodils.
Old Courts Road raised planters: Wallflowers, Tulips.
Near Sherwood's, Bridge Street: Wallflowers, Daffodils, Pansies.
The committee has decided that baskets/tubs on the railings and bridges will not be planted over the winter, and that the containers should be removed, due to the risk of frost damage, potential vandalism and watering being required.